Abstract: This paper will discuss the personalization of counseling ethics for myself as I work toward and become a licensed professional counselor. I will use the five ethical principles considered fundamental to the ethics of counseling. The five principles are: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, and fidelity. I will discuss how these principles will guide and inform my practice as a licensed professional counselor. I will define each term from a counseling perspective and how each one will contribute to my own personal ethical code of practice as a counselor. I will then discuss how they apply to the ACA code of ethics and discuss Biblical reflection and integration. I will then …show more content…
This also means that the counselor explains things such as limits of confidentiality and their own personal or agencies policies and procedures regarding informed consent. A4b. talks about personal values of the counselor, in this context, autonomy for the client means that the therapist can’t impose their own values on the client and the client has the right to freely express themselves, within appropriate guidelines, (usually laid out in the policies and procedures and informed consent), thus maintaining their own autonomy. Section B1. Of the ACA Code talks about respecting client rights, i.e. their autonomy regarding the right to privacy and being free to expect that this right will be honored by the counselor, i.e.: the client has the right to choose what to share even within the private counseling session. A.1.c. of the code talks about counseling plans made with the counselor and reviewed on a regular basis. This preserves autonomy by allowing the client to choose, with the therapist’s help, what is most beneficial in their counseling relationship. A.2.b. of the code talks about the types of information the counselor will need to know regarding services provided, then from this knowledge the client has the right to choose whether or not to pursue counseling with a particular counselor, including the right to know limitations of any procedure or treatment