The term "teenager" started being used in the 1940s. After the depression, young men and women were able to stay in school longer than previous generations. For the first time there were large groups of kids aged 15 to 18 that found themselves in the same place. This created the social class of the teenager. (
Academic failure occurs when the primary aims of education are not delivered to the degree that there is an ongoing breakdown in a student’s ability to learn. According to Dr Gordon
Harold of the University's School of Psychology, children's experiences at home can have a direct impact on their performance at school. "The study shows what many have long suspected - family factors exert a real influence on children's emotional and behavioral problems, as well as their academic achievement. In particular, children living in a family environment marked by frequent, intense and poorly resolved conflicts between parents are at greater risk for deficits in academic achievement than children living in more positive family environments”
Based on studies, this problem is increasing yearly that students failed to handle the curriculum. This failure includes various aspects of educational failure such as rebellion, frequent absence from classes, dropping out and many more. Studies have shown that people shown that people with academic failure are more probable to rebel and use drugs at older ages; therefore, academic failure and dropout might result to rebellion, drug, and alcohol addictions. There are three reasons why the researcher chose this topic; first, to identify the causes why teenagers of broken families are affected by the possibility to rebel; second, to deepen knowledge on why teenagers who fail academically rebel; and lastly, to provide awareness to the readers.
Statement of the problem The aim of this study is to help people