(The response is not a comment on this class, but on academic standards in general.)
In reading Classical Mythology I was given an in-depth definition of what a myth is, fabricated stories about extraordinary people, humans or gods, who did extraordinary things. In class, I understand we are studying Greek, Roman, Norse and Hindu mythology, however, I don’t understand why, in an academic setting, these four civilizations are the main ones, accredited with mythological stories. Students study Europe mythology, Greek, Roman and Norse, and more recently Asian mythology, Hindu, yet, mythology from Africa, Australia and the Americas aren’t included or mentioned in reference to mythology, when they are known to
have colorful and rich creation myths, and legends. Though they share similar social, religious, and mythological structures as the Grecians, these ignored civilizations are excluded from academic mention, until they are the topic of a “primitive” study. Why are myths from certain civilizations overlooked while others are praised? What makes a mythological series more, or less, important than others? I hope to answer these concerns in class.