Student ID:09006497
Course:MA in Business Management
Module:Organisation Behaviour
Title:Assignment A: Academic Paper Review
Declaration of work
I declare that this piece of work, in whole or in part, has not been submitted to any University as an exercise for a degree. I further declare that, except where reference is made in the text, the contents are entirely my own work.
Signed: ______________ Date: ___________ Ricky Halpin
J.M. Slijkhuis, Eric F. Rietzschel & Nico W. Van Yperen (2013) ‘How evaluation and need for structure affect motivation and creativity’, European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology, 22:1, 15-25.
In the recently published article ‘How evaluation and need for structure affect motivation and creativity’ the authors aimed to identify that the relation between type of evaluation and employees’ motivation and creativity is ultimately moderated by Personal Need for Structure (PNS). The authors presented a hypothesis, stating that the expectant outcome would be “Informational evaluative situations will be associated with a higher motivation and higher creative performance than controlling evaluative situations, but only when PNS is low”. This paper will review the research article and examine the key findings with a focus on the application to business organisations. This article was written by J.M. Slijkhuis, Eric F. Rietzschel & Nico W. Van Yperen. Together they completed a Doctor of Philosophy at the department of Work and Organizational Psychology at the University of Amsterdam. They have conducted a series of studies both in the laboratory and within organisations, showing that the classic relation between autonomy and creativity is moderated by Personal Need for Structure. This is an area that the authors have considerably researched and have significant familiarity with. Some of their other publications include; ‘Task structure, need for structure, and
Bibliography: Ashford, S.J., & Cummings, L. L. (1985). ‘Proactive feedback seeking: The instrumental use of the information environment.’ Journal of Occupational Psychology, 58, 67–79. Dewulf, A., G. Francios, C. Pahl-Wostl, and T. Taillieu. (2007) ‘A framing approach to cross-disciplinary research collaboration: experiences from a large-scale research project on adaptive water management’ Ecology and Society 12, (2):14 J.M J.M. Slijkhuis, Eric F. Rietzschel & Nico W. Van Yperen (2013) ‘How evaluation and need for structure affect motivation and creativity’, European Journal of Work and Organisational Psychology, 22:1, 15-25. J.M. Slijkhuis, Eric F. Rietzschel & Nico W. Van Yperen (2014) ‘Task structure, need for structure, and creativity’ published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, 24, 23-34. Rietzschel, E. F., de Dreu, C. K. W., & Nijstad, B. A. (2007). ‘Personal need for structure and creative performance: The moderating influence of fear of invalidity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 855–866. Smith, M Wells, D. L., Moorman, R. H., & Werner J. M. (2007). ‘The impact of the perceived purpose of electronic performance monitoring on an array of attitudinal variables.’ Human Resource Development Quarterly, 18, 121–138.