Discuss the subjects in which you excel or have excelled. To what factors do you attribute your success? Everybody has something in life that they are good at; something that person naturally has a knack for. Some people excel in athletics, for others it may be fine arts such as art or theater, for many it may be an academic subject, such as English and writing. In my case, I am considered an exception to normality. Since starting school, I have always had an exceptional aptitude for mathematics and science. It always came naturally. Throughout elementary and middle school, math was a breeze for me. It presented few challenges and I often found myself correcting my teachers instead of vice versa. However, entering high school, math classes became increasingly difficult and strenuous. Although the course work increased and became more time consuming, in the end, I adjusted well to the upper level courses I began taking. It was not until my sophomore year, that math suddenly became extremely strenuous.
That year, I took Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-Ap) Algebra II with the best math teacher I have ever had, Mrs. Robison. During the first couple of grading periods, I maintained a B- average in her class. This was different, considering that I was used to having such high grades in my math classes. One day after school, I decided I would arrange a student teacher meeting to discuss my grade and the steps I would be able to take to improve it. While meeting with Mrs. Robison, she gave me some of the best advice I had ever received. She told me, “Jermyah, math comes easily for you but, if you do not study and apply yourself, your goal of having an A in this class, or any other class for that matter, will never become a reality.” From that day forward, my previously jaded outlook on math was transformed into an attitude that would allow me to get the grade I desired. The following year, I moved on to Pre-Calculus. In this class, I used everything I learned