For example, I have been in regular english classes up until my senior year of high school. During my freshman year I had felt unfulfilled and stuck in a cyclical motion of monotonous, unchallenging content in my english class. I wanted to move on from what I have already known, but sadly there was a person who was not supportive of my need for academic growth. She told me I was not allowed to change levels and so I believed her. After junior year I was in a rut. My english classes were something of an exasperated sign. A sweep of apathy sprawling into unfortunate disdain. I was falling out of love with literature and writing and I could not stand it. At this point, I had already garnered mutual respect and admiration with my teachers and the faculty. I took matters into my own hands and found myself gravitate towards AP English Literature and Composition, the last and highest level of an english class we offered. The prerequisite of this oasis of a class was AP Language and Composition. I was not able to fulfill this need because of the lack of time. With that, instead of wallowing in pity, I convinced the only AP Literature teacher, my then english teacher, and my counselor I was qualified to skip all honors classes and AP Language and Composition. This is how I get on the track to academic success; I know my resources, I find those who believe in me, and I continue on doing the best I can
For example, I have been in regular english classes up until my senior year of high school. During my freshman year I had felt unfulfilled and stuck in a cyclical motion of monotonous, unchallenging content in my english class. I wanted to move on from what I have already known, but sadly there was a person who was not supportive of my need for academic growth. She told me I was not allowed to change levels and so I believed her. After junior year I was in a rut. My english classes were something of an exasperated sign. A sweep of apathy sprawling into unfortunate disdain. I was falling out of love with literature and writing and I could not stand it. At this point, I had already garnered mutual respect and admiration with my teachers and the faculty. I took matters into my own hands and found myself gravitate towards AP English Literature and Composition, the last and highest level of an english class we offered. The prerequisite of this oasis of a class was AP Language and Composition. I was not able to fulfill this need because of the lack of time. With that, instead of wallowing in pity, I convinced the only AP Literature teacher, my then english teacher, and my counselor I was qualified to skip all honors classes and AP Language and Composition. This is how I get on the track to academic success; I know my resources, I find those who believe in me, and I continue on doing the best I can