Why success strategies has helped me
My experience in success strategies has been one in which I have learned a lot of
things about myself. It has really been a helpful class in showing how you can use
different skills to apply to different situations. You really see how you can become a
better person by just listening and learning from other people's experiences. I have
discovered some interesting things about myself. These discoveries have led me to
change some of my ways so that I can achieve more in my life. I really am glad that I
took the class because of the enriching feeling that I received after I learned something
new. In my personal life I feel that I can make that next …show more content…
step to becoming a very wealthy
person by just applying the basic knowledge of the class. I have always said to myself
that I want the finer things in life and I will not stop until I accomplish that and nothing
I really don't want to sound like a person that if they have money then they are
happy. I am a very stable person and I think that a lot of people need to be stress free and
money provides most of that.
I would hope that people who get a chance to go to college would attend and take
a class similar to this one. This is a very important part of college to make kids become
apart of the college life. This helps them transition from high school to college by
providing the knowledge that they will need. They must have a different mindset for
college if they want to make it through and not get overwhelmed with everything that
goes on. When you are in high school you can goof off and be able to just slide by and
graduate. You also have your parents always on you about you're homework. In college
those things don't happen you have to organize yourself, keep track of your own
homework, get yourself up to go to class and also turn your assignments in on time
because if you don't you will get behind quick. The teachers will not chase after you
about your homework they treat you like an adult. It's very tough for a lot of kids to get
used to that. If they can't then they wind up dropping out and the excuse is always that
is to hard but I think that's just a cop out to have to work hard for their degree they think
that it's going to be handed to them. It doesn't work like that and that's why they say
college isn't for everybody.
In conclusion, the skills that I learned in this class are going to be very helpful in
my field of game software development. This class has helped me to see that you have to
be an organized person to be successful in life and in college. You have to think for
yourself and be able to stand on your own two feet. If you can't do that then maybe you
shouldn't be in college. I also understand that common sense can take you a long way to
because of the everyday situations that you must apply it to.