Penn State
Dr. Love
Article Reflections #5
During high school, I was a part of the marching band so i spent much of my leisure time practicing with the band. This was a structured activity because we all had to cooperate and respect the leaders and listen to the rules or else nothing would ever get done. I also had a parttime job at the local mall as a cashier. Much of my leisure time away from school was also spent here to have extra money to spend on going out with friends. This was also a structured activity because there were obviously rules that needed to be followed and I wasn’t free to just do whatever i wanted while at work. Most of the rest of my time was spent on the internet on
Facebook or Instagram. This is an unstructured …show more content…
activity because i was just having fun by myself and exploring the internet and playing around without any adult supervision. I had complete freedom. I also spent a majority of my time hanging out with my best friends. We had formed sort of a clique. This was also an unstructured activity because there wasn’t any adult supervision and i got to pick who my friends were and we chose what we wanted to do each day so we had complete freedom, once again.
Americans’ philosophy of child and adolescent development: when americans believe that children need to be children and just play and have fun and basically just have unstructured time to themselves in order to find their inner self. No parents should be around because youth should have freedom. They would approve of my time spent hanging out with friends and on the internet but not while i was working and in the marching band because the first two are unstructured while the last two are structured. Protestant ethic philosphy: they see unstructured leisure activities as wasted time that could have been better spent by studying or working or preparing for the future. Spending time with friends is especially wasteful. They would approve of my working at the mall and being in the marching band because there were always adults
around and i was working towards a better future. However they would not approve of my hanging out with my friends or on the internet because according to them, thats a waste of time.
Rational-instrumental philosophy: this one combines the first two. This view point believes that the youth should have different experiences and explore by themselves in order to grow. However, they believe that this works best when adults are around and there is guidance.
They would approve of my marching band and work experiences because i was technically exploring on my own since i did choose where to work and wether to join the marching band or not and there was still adult supervision there.
However, they would not approve of my internet surfing or hanging out with friends because there was no adult supervision there what so ever. I agree with the child and adolescent development theory more than any other because the youth needs free time to do as they please before they enter the college world. If the parents are always hovering around them they will learn to be dependent on the parents and when the adolescents come to college they’ll have no idea how to live without them. They also need to know what they like doing and what their pleasures come from in order to know what they want to do with the rest of their lives and be happy in life.
Around half of adolescent’s waking hours account for their free time. This does fit my personal experiences from high school because although i had a part-time job i wasn’t working every single day. it was probably only 3-4 days a week. 1 of them being a day on a weekend. I also didn’t do marching band the same season i was working so they didn’t clash. Therefore, I had plenty free time and i would say that around 40-50% of my day was free time. They …show more content…
define partying as the gathering of friends (usually on friday or saturday night) where there are no adults present to supervise them, with a contagious atmosphere of positive emotion. A positive impact of partying is that adolescents who partied more were significantly more happy than adolescents who didn’t. The authors, when referring to positive feedback encouraging deviant behavior, mean that if adolescents do something crazy like light a trash can on fire, everyone will get really excited and cheer them on, making them feel that it is okay and even encouraged to keep doing crazy things.
I definitely agree to this because i have seen it with my own two
eyes. I have seen people get into fights at parties and seen other people encourage them to fight and that only makes other people join in because they feel as if it’s acceptable and encouraged to fight.
Organized youth activities almost always have adult supervision but are also chosen by the youth and therefore they are better represented by the rational-instrumental point of view because there is adult supervision but the youth is still getting to choose and explore and gain experiences and have freedom. High school sports are similar to partying because the youth report feeling positive emotions and enjoying sports just like they do when they party. However, it’s different because they have to concentrated more and its much more challenging.
Some researchers speculate that participation in sports can impact the teen’s development in a positive manner because it helps them develop important social,
emotional and cognitive skills. It also shows positive correlation with GPA, attachment to school and college attendance.Some researchers think that sports can impact the teen’s development in a negative manner because teens reported higher rates of negative experiences from sports compared to other youth activities. They also believe that the competitive nature of sports can elicit counterproductive behavior in the youth that hinders the developmental benefits that sports could possibly produce. I definitely agree with the positive impacts because when i played sports in high school i felt positive emotions and i was doing better in school as well because i learned how to manage my time. However, I disagree with the negative aspect because to me, competition is a positive aspect. Competition is going to always be present wether it be in the work place, school, or sports. Therefore, adolescents need to be prepared for it and how to deal with it. Therefore, sports is teaching the youth how to prepare for competition which is a positive impact to me. Additionally, i also see being physically active as a positive developmental impact from being involved in sports. Adolescents are at their physical peak during their age and this is the time to be exercising and eating healthy and living a healthy life style. Therefore, spending time playing sports also leads to a healthier lifestyle which is a positive impact.