At the end of these instructions is a list of just a few of the hundreds of law-related movies that are available on the market. You are free to use any law-related movie you like (with TWO EXCEPTIONS - Double Jeopardy is NOT acceptable, because Hollywood got the legal issue completely wrong; and A Few Good Men is limited to military law, so not really helpful for the general population).
(up to 50 points)
PRINT YOUR NAME: _________________________
NAME OF MOVIE: _________________________
YEAR OF RELEASE: _________________________
DIRECTOR: _________________________
MAIN ACTORS/ACTRESSES: _________________________________
A. Describe in a page the FACTS of the case the movie is about.
B Describe two significant legal ISSUES that this movie brought up. (Remember that FACTS are not the same as legal ISSUES. For example, in the movie THE ACCUSED, the character played by Jodie Foster is raped in a tavern. That is one of the FACTS of the case. One of the legal ISSUES was the use of PLEA BARGAIN - the prosecutor was willing to let the rapists "plea bargain" to lesser crimes.)
ISSUE #1________________________________________________________
ISSUE #2________________________________________________________
C. Take either ISSUE #1 or ISSUE #2, and look up in a