Chimento and Tafalla (2006) conducted an experiment to proof that music help reduce stress by separating people into three different groups according to musical genres, silence, classical music and hard rock music respectively. They were given STAI test to determine their stress level before cognitive test and also after. Lasser (2006) conducted an experiment to study the relation between music and spatial test. Participants were given Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale Matrix reasoning task in different group with different conditions, Mozart music, Techno music, vocal relaxation and also silence. Another experiment was conducted by Philips (n.d.) in which the effect of music on computer based task is being investigated. The experiment is done in pairs, the pair works on computer to rank 15 essential items for lunar survival whilst listening to music with 10 minute time limit or untimed condition. Each pairs were given different musical genres to listen, classical music, punk and silence.
Chimento and Tafalla (2006) found that participants who listened to classical music would report lower levels of stress while participants exposed to hard rock music would report significantly higher levels of