On Acadia's about us page they talk about “a passion for improving the lives of patients with central nervous system (CNS) disorders.” But they are not just emphasizing a supporting point for their mission statement, reading further shows that Acadia very recently received FDA approval of their new drug NUPLAZID TM (pimavanserin is the generic name of the drug,) which is a first of it's kind medicine for patients afflicted with Parkinson's disease and additionally suffering from hallucinations and delusions caused by Parkinson's disease psychosis.
Looking at the History tab of the about us section on their website shows a timeline detailing 23 years of Acadia Pharmaceuticals milestones and accomplishments pushing them closer and closer to their mission goal of improving the lives of patients by developing innovative treatments. And indeed they were innovative, first synthesizing their drug pimavanserin in 2001, conducting phase II studies in 2006 and 2007, phase III studies from 2010-2012, gaining …show more content…
The mission statement is truly a permeating theme throughout all of their media and offerings. It seems like this company is out to make a difference in several previously underrepresented patients lives an in doing so, capture, if not dominate, market share in their field, thus achieving what every upstart pharmaceutical company aims to do, and they are doing it because they adhered to their