June 27, 2011
Apple is one of the most successful companies that is globally known, which has proving them to be the leaders in consumer technology. The company is over 30 years and is still very successful and has no signs of slowing down their success. Apple continues to surprise the world with new products year after year using top of the line technology. Apple has produced several products like the Apple I, Apple II, a Quick Take camera, the iMac, and the iPod those are just five of the amazing products the Apple has produced. Though very successful since 1976, they have had some issues with competitors but has overcome and passed them with annual revenues in the billion’s.
The Chief Executive Officer …show more content…
March 26, 2011 Apple pleasantly reported that the cash flow from operations was over $6.2 billion looking ahead in the third quarter to make up to $23 billion and expect diluted earnings per share of about $ 5.03 (Apple, 2011). The current total assets of Apples recent annual reports were posted in the “second quarter revenue of $ 24.67 billion and recorded second quarter net profit of $ 5.99 billion, or $ 6.40 per diluted share” (Apple, 2011). According to Apple (2011), Comparing the results in” the revenue of $ 13.50 billion and net quarterly profits of $ 3.07 billion, or $ 3.33 per diluted share, in the year ago quarter” (Apple, n.d.). International sales accounted 59 % of the quarter’s revenue. In giving a 41.4 % compared to 41.7 % (Apple, 2011).The orders of current assets are as follows:” a category, assets include current assets, fixed or long-term assets, property, intangible assets, and other assets”(Reference for Business, …show more content…
Apple extends credit to its many retailers on varied kinds of terms. These pending payments account for 5,601M in FY2009, and 12,015M in 2010. Along with Apple extending credit, in an addition to several of Apple 's suppliers extend credit to them. These accrued expenses are considered a liability because the company does owe them and when they come due must be paid. Both the liabilities work as a credit or debit regarding the financial statement. Apple saw a soar in business in 2010 because of the Ipads. Along with these enormous gains came quite hefty expenses for the generation of that added business: 2010 = 27,392 million. This is above the 2009 liabilities of 2009: 15,861 million. In 2009 it cost Apple 25B to make 42B, while in 2010 it cost 39B to make 65B. More income requires more investment; however, the gross margin in both years remains at 40% before additional