"Whitely v Chapel
" "Interpretation of Statute
" "literal rule - words given dict' meaning [voted under dead person's name. Cannot impersonate a dead person]
"Re Sigsworth
" "Interpretation of Statute
" golden rule - above disregarded if absurd/repugnant situation [son due to inherit from his mother after murdering her]
"DPP vs Bull / Corkery v Carpenter
" "Interpretation of Statute
" "mischief rule - interpret for intended effect [law referrign to prostitues only targeted at women]
"Powell v Kempton Race Course
" "Canons of Stat Interp' (Presumptions)
" "ejusdem generis (general list...other things of same kind) [betting permitted in ring because it was not an enclosed space like other cited locations]
"Fisher v Bell
" "Distinguish ITT / offer
" "window - ITT [flick knife case]
"Boots v P' Soc
" "Distinguish ITT / offer
" "shop shelf - ITT [self service shelves was ITT, sale only made at counter by pharmacist]
"Partridge v Crittenden
" "Distinguish ITT / offer
" "public adverts - ITT [advertising of birds]
"Carbolic Smoke Ball Company
" "Distinguish ITT / offer
" "precise wording, offer at large possible, intention, unilateral acceptance waiving need for communication of acceptance - not ITT [wear this and you won't catch flu]
"Hyde v Wrench
" "offer termination / counter offer
" "counter offer / rejecting old offer > new terms proposed
"Stevenson v McLean
" "offer intact
" "info request vs offer / counteroffer
"Routeledge v Grant
" "offer termination - revocation
" "communicate revocation anytime b4 acceptance
"Dickinson vs Dodds
" "offer termination - revocation
" "revoke comm received via reliable 3rd party allowed
"Ramsgate Hotel
" "offer termination
" "reasonable lapse of time - implied
"Dunlop v Selfridge
" "contract - doctrine of privity
" "privy to contract to enforce [selling tyres below price restriction]