The Sex Discriminatory Act took place in 1975. The aim of this act is to make sure that in the world of work, men and women are not treated different because of their gender. The Sex Discriminatory Act promotes discriminatory practice by making sure that men and women are treated equally. An example of sex discrimination might be if a man and women went to get the same job, the man will be more capable of getting the job as he is a male.
Mental Health Act 1983
The Mental Health Act took place in 1983. The aim of this act is to make sure to make sure that individuals are treated equally even if they have mental health problems. The Mental Health Act promotes discriminatory practice by ensuring that people do not …show more content…
The Human Rights Act applies for everybody who is born in the UK. The aim of this act is to make sure that everyone should have the right to have different rights such as the right to life, the freedom from slavery and forced labour, the right to a fair trial, the right to respect for family life and the freedom to be able to express yourself. The Human Rights Act promotes discriminatory practice by making sure that everybody has human rights and do not get disrespected and discriminated for their rights.
Care Standards Act 2000
The Care Standards Act took place in 2000. The aim of this act is to make sure that the cares of individuals are given such as nursing or family care. The Care Standards Act promotes discriminatory practice by making sure that the required care is given to individuals compared to the needs they have.
Mental Capacity Act 2005
The Mental Capacity Act took place in 2005. The aim of this act is to give empowerment to people who are seen as vulnerable and unable to make any kind of decisions by their own. The people who are able to make decisions for themselves also allow other people to plan their futures. The people who are mainly able to make their own decisions for somebody are families, doctors or even social workers. The Mental Capacity Act promotes discriminatory practice by making sure that everybody is equally in the way they have their education even if they have a disability and have the same amount of rights