Care Standards Act 2000
This legislation affects and supports people with dementia as it has different laws. Some of these laws are things like helping people to wash and dress themselves. This helps people with dementia, as when it becomes advanced they lose their fine motor skills and they find it difficult to do simple tasks like fasten buttons and hold things, so it also makes it hard for them to wash. They have carers that will do this for them and help them do it. The legislation affects the patients care as the carer has to follow rules, such as making sure that the patient has privacy and dignity, such as washing them where nobody can see them and undressing them where they can’t be seen by other people. If this legislation wasn’t in place it would affect the person with dementia as they could be washed anywhere, and this could be in front of other people, which would mean that their body is exposed. This legislation also makes sure that people (who have had any mental disorders, are disabled or have had an addiction to drugs or alcohol) have suitable accommodation to stay in. As dementia is classified as a mental disorder, this act makes sure that they are living somewhere suitable, and it also makes sure that people with dementia are treated equally.
Mental Capacity Act 2005
The mental capacity act is a legislation that gives a person (who has mental problems) a chance to receive the same care as others, by allowing a family member or spouse to make decisions for them, regarding their health, if they are unable to do this themselves. It supports people who have dementia as it makes sure that all adults have the right to make their own decisions if they have the capacity to do this. The adults also must be assumed to have the mental capacity unless it is proven otherwise, and any decision made for a person who lacks mental capacity must be in their best interest. It also makes sure that if a person makes an