Economical and political access to health care is in huge debate currently, from health care reform, Medicare, and Medicaid. Economical and political access affects most of the population. Economic access is often dependent on having a health plan or being eligible for one of the government programs (Ellis & Hartley, 2008). The U.S Census Bureau estimates that nearly 50.7 million Americans do not currently have health insurance (p. 24). Ever since its inception, access to health care has been a heavily debated topic both on a federal and state level. The argument has been made for the implementation of health care reform due to the increasing number of uninsured and underinsured American citizens. The World Health Organization (2006) assessed that, “the highest standard of health should be within reach to all, without distinction of race, religion, political belief, and economic or social condition” (para. 1). Ellis and Hartley (2008) point out, private insurance companies raise deductibles and co-payments in attempt to get patients to use services wisely. This sounds great in theory; however, lower income families may delay or avoid timely care. Uninsured and underinsured
References: Berenson, R. (2009). Implementing health care reform — Why Medicare matters. Ellis, J.R., & Hartley, C. (2008). Nursing in today’s world: Trends, issues, and management, (9th ed.) Frampton, S., Horowitz, S., Stumpo, B. (2009). Open medical records. American Journal of Nursing Hansen-Turton, T., Bailey, D., Torres, N. and Ritter, A. (2010). Nurse-managed health centers. States, 2000. Journal of American Medical Association. 291(10) 1238-1245. doi: 10.1001/jama.291.10.1238 Sharpnack, P., Griffin, M. Quinn, Benders, A., Fitzpatrick, J. (2010). Spiritual and alternative healthcare practices of the Amish U.S. Census Bureau. (2010). The next four decades: The older population in the United States: 2010 to 2050 Uzma R., Mitchell T., Day, T., and Hardin, M. (2008). Text mining in healthcare applications and opportunities World Health Organization, (2006). Changing History: The World health Report. Geneva, World Health Organization-Constitution