Elyssa Earley
Prof. Misty Thompson
Kaplan University
As many people may know, a new and improved health care reform is desperately needed in the United States. There are millions of people in the United States alone without health insurance. Health care is a problem that has troubled many American’s for a long time. Many previous presidents have attempted to change and improve the health care system and policies, but have failed and we are left waiting for a perfect health care system. President Barack Obama has announced that as of January 1st, 2014 there will be a new health care reform, which he believes will be helpful to millions of people. He has promised many new and improved changes to be made with the upcoming health care reform. Currently there is 45 million American’s that are without health insurance and won’t receive the health care they need and deserve without worrying about the very large hospital bill that will follow. For everyone who currently already has health insurance, there won’t be many changes. The only changes that you should notice under the new law are new benefits. Along with new benefits you should also notice better protections from insurance company abuses, and more value for every dollar that is spent on you for health care. If you are comfortable with your health insurance company and health insurance plan, you don’t have to change to a new health insurance company. For all of the people who are currently uninsured and who don’t receive their coverage through their employers, will be able to start shopping through different health insurance companies and plans as of October 1st, 2013. There are so many facts and aspects to the upcoming health care reform that people may not know about. As of right now there are many different ways that the health care system can take advantage of you. They have the ability to deny children for coverage who have or had asthma or children who were