The pros of obamacare are very arguable because many people think that obamacare is not a good thing. Millions of people are able to receive high-quality health insurance through medicaid, and young adults make up a large percentage of those people. Some tend to question whether Obamacare’s cost outweighs the benefits. “The average American has a lot to gain and little to lose. Those making more, including larger firms and consequently their employees, may see negative financial effects. While some groups benefit more than others, most Americans will benefit from the new rights and protections like guaranteed …show more content…
coverage of pre-existing conditions and the elimination of gender discrimination.” (Obamacarefacts.come, 2016). Over half of uninsured Americans can get low or free cost of health insurance which helps because many people can't afford health insurance these days due to low income. “Over 20 million will be exempt from the fee by 2016. Those with exemptions can often still get cost assistance. Exemptions also qualify you for special enrollment.(, 2016). Affordable healthcare act protections ensure that the peoples coverage won’t be dropped if they get sick or make a mistake on your application. This also insures that people with pre-existing health conditions can no longer be denied health insurance. Coverage has to offer obamacare’s protections to cover essential health benefits. Some Small businesses with less than 25 full-time employees can get tax credits for up to 50% of their employees’ health insurance premium costs. “Medicare has improved for Seniors by measures that eliminate the donut hole, keep rates down, cut wasteful spending and fraud, and expand free preventive services.” ( The affordable healthcare act was also designed to protect consumers from insurance company tactics that might drive up patient costs or restrict care. Many people have benefitted from having obamacare because it provided affordable health insurance. Some people had problems with running out of healthcare coverage but with obamacare there is no limit on time for coverage.
Obamacare has been highly controversial although the positive outcomes because of the fines that are being set if you do not have Obamacare.
Taxes are going up as another result of this health care act. “The taxes that may affect you directly are the individual mandate and the employer mandate.” ( 2016) There were several new taxes that were made to help pay for Obamacare including taxes on pharmaceutical sales and medical device. People with high income also got an additional tax put on them. Some other cons of Obamacare include enrolling complications, businesses cutting employees hours to avoid having to give them coverage, and higher costs. Some people have gotten stuck paying more for Obamacare than they did under their previous health care plans. “ A heavily cited (and debated) 2013 Associated Press report estimated that the health insurance policies of 4.7 million Americans were canceled due to noncompliance with Obamacare standards going into the inaugural year.” (Elizabeth Renter 2014). Many opponents of Obamacare believe that legislation will demolish jobs, hours are being cut and full-time employees are becoming slim. About 1.2% of the population will mainly be paying the tax rather than the health insurance they should be paying for because the taxes are getting so
My opinion on Obamacare varies because there are many different ways to look at it. Personally, the affordable healthcare act is not necessarily the best thing for America because we are struggling as it is with all of our everyday expenses and the current rises on taxes. With this healthcare reform it is bringing more and more taxes on the people thinking it's doing good for us when in reality it isn't. “If you’re uninsured and don’t obtain an exemption, you must pay a modest fine.The fine is expected to increase over time.” (James Roland 2015). Many people are blinded by the truth about all these issues that the government are passing through laws, it's getting to a point where we have no say. The constitution states that we have our freedom but with this Health Care act that is suddenly abandoned because we are basically forced to have Obamacare. The government gets away with this because they can say “well it's not exactly in the constitution so there's really nothing stopping them from this act even tho in reality our constitution states all freedom. Being forced to have Obamacare isn't freedom. Therefore I feel the government is really going against what our true laws were founded on which is why i don't necessarily think Obamacare is a good thing. No single being should be forced to have health care especially if they know it's something they will not be able to afford. Taxes put enough on the american people, topping it off with “Healthcare” that ends up just being more taxes.
Obamacare can be viewed in many different ways whether good or bad depending on what a person's income is. Theres many different political views on this too and there definitely is room for some improvements with this health care act.