One of the first things I learned upon entering the proud United States Army was to be at the right place, at the right time, in the right uniform, with the right attitude. No Soldier can go wrong as long as they stick to those guidelines. That said, there are Soldiers that do happen to slip up and find that they are not at the right place at the right time. Those people are most commonly known as ‘’no shows”. What do I mean by “no shows”? “No shows” are the Soldiers that fail to show up at their "place of duty" at the time they were designated to be there.…
Accountability is normally viewed as being responsible, giving an explanation of your actions, to somebody for something. When you take 100 percent responsibility for holding yourself accountable, your performance will improve, your relationships will thrive, people’s respect for you will increase, you will be a great example for others to follow, and your self-esteem will grow. How is it that in all these areas of your life you can see such dramatic improvement? Because when you hold yourself accountable to doing the things you know you should do, you will distinguish yourself from the crowd. I am convinced if you want to advance your life personally or professionally, you must hold yourself accountable for your actions, responsibilities, and goals. Think about it. Why should it be someone else’s job to make sure you are doing the things that you know you should to be doing? When someone has to hold me accountable, because I failed to do what I should have done, I have a serious conversation with myself. My belief is that no one should have to hold me accountable for my actions, responsibilities and goals. While I appreciate others helping me get better, I am the one that must hold myself to a higher standard than my peers. Make no mistake about it. You cannot achieve any worthwhile personal or professional goal, if you don’t hold yourself accountable. The reason is simple. It’s your life! If you have to be held accountable at work, don’t expect to be promoted or to experience any type of significant career advancement. If you have to be held accountable at home by your parents, roommate or spouse, it will grow old fast and your relationships will deteriorate. Holding yourself accountable is nothing more than following through with YOUR commitments and responsibilities. It’s doing what YOU know YOU should do, when YOU should it. Whether you are 15 years old or 60 years old, let today be the day that you make the commitment to yourself that you will NEVER…
The decisions you and I make every single day do not just affect ourselves, we must remember that our actions can affect everybody around us. This statement holds most true when we speak of the importance of being on time. Military wise, tardiness is just plain unacceptable. As United States Army soldiers, we are held to a higher standard. There are many reasons why soldiers are to receive corrective action, if not UCMJ (Uniform Code Military Justice) action, for failure to be at ones place of duty at the time specified. That one late soldier is not only affecting himself, his actions may very well affect his whole unit. That one late soldier could put an adverse effect on the whole mission. The United States Army as a whole, would be a much more proficient unit, if every soldier were always on time.…
Not showing up for an assigned task is also bad. Not showing up or being able to be reached is a possible AWOL. Loyalty is also a big play in the teamwork of being on time. If you are not loyal to your team then there’s no way you can be loyal anywhere else. Your team relies on you as much as you rely on them. Which as all a part of the well-oiled Army…
The US Army depends solely on its soldiers, enlisted, warrant officers and commissioned officers alike. The military would not be anything without the soldiers. When soldiers are not there to perform there duties or they are late that brings down the efficiency of the unit. Although it all depends on the situation, being 2 minutes late for a morning PT formation isn’t as bad as holding up a whole convoy because you are late. But its all relative to the principle of the matter.…
It is important to realize that it is necessary for a person to hold themselves at a higher standard if the wish to excel in life, the military, or whatever you wish to succeed in. Punctuality remains and always will be an extremely vital aspect of military bearing and discipline. It has a direct connection to a person’s appearance, task effectiveness, and essentially every aspect of life and responsibility. I cannot place enough importance on how significant being on time constantly is. For instance; a person who is late or does not report at all to a place at the time stated effectively compromises and reduces the efficiency of which the task or mission at hand can be completed. It also makes it so other people are waiting on you to put out information. This makes it so you waste their time so then they may be late for something and you make them look bad. No one should every try to be sabotaging someone else because of their laziness and inability to be considerate of others.…
I am writing this essay as a plan of action because I managed to miss a scheduled appointment. Missing a scheduled appointment may seem like a rather miniature infraction, but if you think about it and trace it back far enough it has a negative impact on all parties involved in it. Missing an appointment shows a lack of accountability on my part, effects the army as a whole; as well, it costs the Army money for another who may have needed that appointment. Service members are held to higher standards than civilians are. We protect our country and being a Soldier I am supposed to lead by example and I cannot lead if I cannot even show up for any of my appointments on time.…
Repeated tardiness can cause a lot of issues for the unit but it more than likely can severely impact the soldier making the offense. Leaders may choose to annotate events of tardiness in the service members counseling packet. If the soldier has received enough counseling’s, or if a single event is severe, then the leader can push for administrative action such as filing for an Article 15. A soldier who is late can be charged with violation to multiple punitive articles prescribed in the UCMJ:…
Over the past ten years accountability has been used in a myriad of different ways. I have noticed the definition of accountability almost take over (and in some cases has) the definition of responsibility. Quite honestly differentiating accountability and responsibility can sometimes be challenging. The assigned article references doctors in the healthcare system (Mansouri, M., & Rowney, 2014 ). In the article it describes accountability as meaning several different things. When describing by understanding of what the article is truly trying to define where accountability is concerned is really all over the board. Essentially, accountability is being defined and re-defined based off of the circumstances surrounding what is going to be accountable and who is the one that is going to be accountable. The article’s authors bring a valid point as to the difficulty in not only fully defining accountability but more importantly the loose use of the accountability word itself. There is not suitable definition that can be applied across professional and no professional lines.…
Punctuality is a very important thing in life. Getting to work on time when you are supposed to, is punctuality. Showing up for a meeting on time is punctuality. Showing up for an appointment on time is punctuality. It is very important to make it on time for work, meetings, formations (ten minutes prior), and appointments. Appointments in this case, are very important to make it to on time. It is best to show up for appointments early. If you leave home early to get to your appointment, it is much less likely you will be held up and become late by traffic or any accidents you may come upon as you drive to your appointment. Missing appointments lets several people down. There are people expecting to see you, you are letting them down. There are people that need to be seen by the people you made an appointment with, you are letting them down by taking up valuable time from a dentist, doctor, optometrist, etc. when they could be there instead of you and having things they need taken care of. In the military, not showing up for an appointment is also letting down your squad leader, your unit, and the whole military organization. It can cost the Army a lot of money to schedule an appointment for you and then have you not show up for it. By missing an appointment, you also show that you lack discipline and responsibility. It does not look good to your leaders and makes it seem like you can not be trusted with simple tasks. Punctuality is a big part of impression and it is very important to make a good impression. When you lack punctuality, it sets a bad example to others, friends, family, as well as other soldiers. If you were not taught in civilian life or learned through having a job, in basic combat training in the military you are certainly taught to show up early and be on time for formations and that should carry over to other aspects of your life, such as appointments. Missing appointments takes away from everyone's very valuable time. There is not excuse for…
Being at the appropriate place of duty at the correct time is a very important part of being in the Marine Corps. Being at the right place at the right time for any member of the Armed forces is extremely essential to the defense of the entire United States. Also being at the right place at the right time ensures a steady workplace, and ultimately the reliablity that others have on us. A Marine can not move up in the ranks in the Marine Corps if he or she is constantly late and/or at the wrong place. A Marine who truly wants to succeed in the military must go out of his or her way to get squared away and be on time to his or her place of duty or consequences will be bestowed upon them. This concept goes for any person in any career not just the military. Of course being on time in the Marine Corps is being at your appointed place of duty fifteen minutes prior to the actual time of that was ordered. If some one can not carry out the most simple and most important aspect of being on time as a Marine, he or she will be considered unworthy or unfit to be or become an NCO or even higher in they're career. Even if a Marine goes above and beyond in in the workplace, in events, is great with physical, and mental, but is not on time and punctual than he or she will never actually succeed in the military.…
Being at the right place, time, and uniform displays discipline and supports the team. The consequences are more significant than the rewards. It can either make everything very simple, smooth, and efficient when you fulfill your duties. It will hinder, and remove other soldiers from a mission when one fails to uphold their responsibilities. The responsibility of attendance and proper attire is not difficult nor complicated. Communication is also a key part that supports the efficiency of the two. It is the responsibility of a soldier to ensure they are adhering to their leaders guidance.…
As a soldier of the world’s most powerful military force, the U.S Army, it is imperative that I demonstrate competence, efficiency, and professionalism at all times. To achieve this goal accountability is an absolute necessity. As a soldier I must maintain constant accountability of my equipment and my team. Without constant visual and/or physical security of my equipment I would be making it too easy for the enemy to take my equipment and use it against me and my fellow soldiers. Without accountability of my fellow soldiers I put them as well as myself in danger. If I don’t know where my team is it is impossible to come to their aid if needed and vice versa. That being said it is a key part in being a leader for that exact reason. You cannot be an effective leader without knowing or at the very least have some type of idea of the location of the ones you are leading and what they are doing at all times. Accountability in its self is a major part of not only being in the military, but many different aspects of life as well. The rules apply where ever you go. Parents must maintain accountability of their children, teachers must maintain accountability of their students, and supervisors must maintain accountability of their workers. No matter what you do in life you will have to keep accountability of someone or something, and someone will most likely be keeping accountability of you, there is no getting around it. Most crimes happen when people are lost and/or nobody knows where they are. If somebody at least knows the general area of where you are they can find you a lot quicker than if they were just searching where you might be. That in its self could be the difference between life and death. People lose their jobs over accountability every day. Whether it be losing a file, or not calling in sick, or just not calling to tell somebody that they are going to be late for whatever reason. A lack of focus and accountability loses…
It is important for a soldier to keep their squad leader informed as to where they are going what they are doing. If a soldier knows they are going to be late it is their duty to inform their squad leader on their status. If a soldier does not inform their squad leader of tardiness it takes away from the squad leaders role as a leader to other soldiers because it had become his duty to track down the missing soldiers. It is essential for a soldier to keep their squad leaders informed on their whereabouts in order for a squad leader to keep an accurate count of the number of soldiers he will have to complete any given task or mission. Which in turn is added to the count of the platoon and to the company so on and so forth until it reaches brigade and devision which the end result ends up in the commander and chief's hand.…
Punctuality shows that you are responsible, trustworthy and can follow directions. Punctuality isn't just an order that the Army requires, but also a good personal trait that is a reflection of a person’s character, it shows that you have personal integrity and self-discipline. While some of us are occasionally late due to circumstances beyond our control, habitual tardiness shows a lack of respect for other people and their time. If someone is late continually that shows that they more then likely do not care about what their NCO tells them. Time is a precious gem that should not be wasted at any cost. If you don't use your time wisely, you can never get it back. It is a very special resource in that you cannot store it or save it for later. Promptness is not only a duty, but is also a part of good manners, it is favorable to fortune, reputation, influence, and usefulness. Lack of punctuality is a theft of someone else's time and a complete lack of respect for others. You should be punctual in everything you do. Punctuality goes hand in hand with military discipline. Recruits are taught to obey, immediately and without question, orders from their superiors, right from the day one of boot camp. Military discipline and effectiveness is built on the foundation of obedience to orders. This is why we are supposed work so well as a team. By following orders from the more…