Accra Beach
One of the factors that lead to variations in demand for rooms at Accra Beach hotel is the location. It has a prime beachfront view, convenient location that has short distance from the airport and the capital city of Bridgetown. Accra Beach was traditionally promote itself as a holiday destination and its advantage - a convenient location, attracted many vacationers and business customers. Normally, people are more likely to go to somewhere that has a pretty views and convenient. Seasonal climate changes that caused vacationers going into vacation is one of the factors vary the demand of the Accra Beach hotel room. Due to Barbados climate is moderate tropical, they enjoy high occupancy rate during winter time. This is because people try to escape from their countries’ winter to somewhere warm. Hotel features could be the factors that lead to variations in demand by business guests. When local companies have meeting with other countries’ company, the business guests are more likely to stay here because it offer conference facilities. Moreover, it has business centre provides guests with internet access, faxing capabilities, and photocopying services. Business guests are attracted by the excellence services during their business trips. Another factors that cause vary in demand is the certain natural cycle, such as international cricket event in this case. Barbados would be the host next, the cricket lovers from the nation and globally may demand for the hotel room to the presence of the cricket team, in condition the team stay in Accra Beach hotel.
Some of these factors are predictable such as the location and seasonal climate changes. For location, it is impossible for Accra Beach to move from where it belongs to another place. Accra Beach Hotel has the benefit of beautiful beach views and ideal short distance from airport. Business guests from other countries are normally tired for taking flight, they would like to go to the nearest hotel to rest and also enjoy