A Virtual Field Trip Through Our Solar System…
And Beyond
We are about to embark on an extended and exciting journey that will take us from our home planet Earth, through our solar system, and finally to some of the most unusual and exotic places in the universe. In most cases, the places we will be visiting will be hundreds of billions or even trillions (that’s 1 with 12 zeroes after it or 1012 power) of miles away…and we are going to all these places without ever leaving class or home.
I will be your tour guide Across the Universe, so let me fill you in on a few of the things you’ll need before we get started. First, you will need a journal or notebook (it can be any size as long as it is big enough for you to write in and for me to read) and something to write with (any color pen or pencil) at all times on the field trip. These will enable you to jot down any notes, information you need, or questions you have about the places you’re visiting. Next, you will need a calculator-it does not need to be fancy or expensive. One from the Dollar Tree will work just fine for our purposes. Finally, you need to have access to a computer connected to the Internet. If you do not have access to one at home, you may use the ones in the classroom.
Now that you have everything you need, here are some things you need to know. While you are on the field trip, you will be directed to complete certain tasks, such as journal writing, answering questions, or working problems. These will be written in boxes so that you can easily recognize them. Since this is the first virtual field trip that I’ve guided and maybe the first one that you’ve taken, we will be learning together, so be sure to ask questions if there is something that is confusing or difficult. You will see and hear some amazing things-and hopefully learn some amazing things as a