This research paper analyzes and summarizes three published articles and a textbook that provides information on the results from a previous research conducted. The previous conducted research analyzed and summarized the use of action plans that employers and employee structure to develop and enhance training methods to improve job performances. The three articles vary in the definitions of an action plan, the different types of action plans, and the effectiveness of action plans in the workforce. Paul Thoresen states, “action planning should be an interactive process involving both management and employees because it allows more generated ideas, spreads out accountability for successful results in job performances” (Thoresen, 2014, p.1). On another note, the other articles define and provide precise information regarding action planning in the workforce. This paper analyzes and summarizes three different articles, including Thoresen 's, each article pertains to the use of an action plan that will enhance the training development in the workforce.
Action Plans: Enhancing Training Development for Employees
Human Resource Development is a practice used in the working environment that combines training, organization, and career development to help improve and encourage individuals, group, and organizational performances. Employers are practicing enhancing the training development for employees’ job performances by structuring action plans for the employee who is obtaining employment. “An action plan is a written document that provides steps that a member of the management team and the employee will abide by to ensure that the training transfers into the job performance” (Noe, 2013,p.216-217). Action plans used to design training for employee development will be the topic that will be researched and analyzed in depth throughout this paper. The foremost
References: Cantora, C. (2011, March 11). Fundamentals of Human Resources Strategic Planning: Sample HR Plan Available. Brighthub Project Management. Retrieved October 5, 2014, from http://www.brighthubpm.com/resource-management/26611-human-resources-strategic-planning-and-a-sample-hr-action-plan/ Group, L. L. (n.d.). Performance Management and Corrective Action: A Resource Guide For Managers &Supervisors. www.csus.edu. Retrieved October 5, 2014, from http://www.csus.edu/hr/docs/professional/perfmgmtandcorrectiveaction050109.pdf Noe, R. A. (2013). Program Design. Employee training and development (6 ed., pp. 216-217). New York: McGraw-Hill. Thoresen, P. (2014, April 7). Survey Action Planning to Drive Change. World 's Largest Professional Network. Retrieved October 5, 2014, from https://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20140407110833-29417413-survey-action-planning-to-drive-change