1 CT1 - Financial Mathematics 2000 5000
2 CT2 - 2 Finance and Financial Reporting 2000 5000
3 CT3 - Probability and Mathematical Statistics 2000 5000
4 CT4 - Models 2000 5000
5 CT5 - General Insurance, Life and Health Contingencies 2000 5000
6 CT6 - Statistical Methods 2000 5000
7 CT7 - Business Economics 2000 5000
8 CT8 - Financial Economics 2000 5000 9 CA1 - Actuarial Risk Management 6000 15000 Specialist Technical Stage (ST)
10 ST1 - Health and Care Insurance 3200 8000
11 ST2 - Life Insurance 3200 8000
12 ST4 - Pension and Other Employee Benefits 3200 8000
13 ST5 - Finance and Investment A 3200 8000
14 ST6 - Finance and Investment B 3200 8000
15 ST7 - General Insurance : Reserving & Capital Modeling 3200 8000
16 ST8 - General Insurance : Pricing 3200 8000 Specialist Applications Stage (SA)
17 SA1 - Health and Care Insurance 4000 10000
18 SA2 - Life Insurance 4000 10000
19 SA3 - General Insurance 4000 10000
20 SA4 - Pension and Other Employee Benefits 4000 10000
21 SA5 - Finance 4000 10000
22 SA6 - Investment 4000 10000
Core technical - nine subjects, all of which you need to pass or be exempted from. Most of these are traditional exams, but subject CT9 is either a two-day residential practical exam, or an online exam.
2. Core applications - three subjects you need to pass or be exempted from. Two of these, subjects CA2 and CA3, involve either attendance at a practical exam, or an online exam.
3. Specialist technical - you need to pass or be exempted from two of the nine ST subjects available.
4. Specialist applications - you need to pass one of the seven SA subjects available. No exemptions are available.
Once you have completed the