To identify possible participants for the study convenience sampling was used. Selection criteria required participants to be the parents of children with visual impairments, children between the ages of 3-18, and the child needed to have a visual impairment that was significant enough to receive vision services at school. The researchers had thirteen families participate in the study in which 11 parents from 8 families were interviewed (Perkins, Columna, Lieberman, and Bailey, 2013). Stuart, Lieberman, and Hand (2006) also conducted a study involving parents and their children who a visual impairment. It is believed children who engage in regular physical activity are more likely to have an active lifestyle in adulthood. According to Stuart et al., inactivity among children without disabilities has been linked to a variety of psychosocial factors, one of which is parents' beliefs and behaviors regarding physical activity. This study included examining the relationship between parent and child variables concerning the physical activity of children with visual impairment. The parents’ variables were the perceived value placed on the children's physical activity and the expectations of success for the children's physical activity. The researchers selected 50 participants …show more content…
Inclusion, the philosophy of supporting the educational needs of students with disabilities in general education classrooms. First identifying articles relevant to inclusion and PE from January 1995 and July 2005. Seven edibility criteria were selected by the two authors: (a) must be original study published form January 1995 to July 2005; (b) must be published in the English language; (c) must be located in periodical publications…; (d) must consist of field based research or research that examined inclusion practices…; (e) must provide a clear definition of sample selected, the independent and dependent variables measured, the assessment instruments employed, and the data analyzed used; (f)must focus on GPE students…; and (g) must focus on inclusion of at least one student (K-12) who was clinically diagnosed with a disability. From the results, 85 articles were reviewed and only 38 met the inclusion criteria. Which in the purpose statement of the 38 articles several different aspects of inclusion in GPE were studied over the past ten years. After an in depth analysis six focus areas were selected from the articles: (a) support (n=8), (b) affects on peers without disabilities (n=6), (c) attitudes and intentions of children without disabilities (n=4),