Course #: Grade Level: # of Students: Date: 10-30-14
Title of Lesson: Scooter Soccer Unit: Adaptive PE
Pre-Professional Teacher: John Rountree
I. Educational Standards: (Arkansas Frameworks or NCATE)
II. Goal(s):Students will learn to play the game of soccer while rolling around on scooters (wheelchairs) in order to school.
III. Objectives:
Cognitive: Students will be able to perform the task with confidence and learn to do the proper movements..
Affective: Students will take gratification in working together and learning something new.
Psychomotor: Studnets will learn the sport over the course of the lesson and will improve in their confidence and interaction.
IV. Equipment/Material Needed: 2 soccer ball
Enough to facilitate a class to properly play the game
V. Teaching Style(s): (use box(es) to check only model(s) used during the lesson)
Direct instruction (teacher directed, lecture)
Mastery learning and programmed instruction (ensuring appropriate individual instruction)
Nondirective/task teaching (promote positive human relationships)
Cooperative learning/group investigation (students work in small groups to analyze/acquire information)
Simulations (students experience the concepts and skills)
Other (explain)
VI. Anticipatory Set: (Introduction)
Today we will learn how to play the game of soccer while rolling around on scooters, which we are using as wheelchairs today.
VII. Warm-Up: (i.e. Health Related Fitness)
Show the students how to properly roll around on the scooters in the most effective way in order to win the game.
VIII. Lesson Focus: (Skill Development) The students will learn the right way to partake in the game of soccer and to win the game.
Formations: Teams of Four
Teaching Cues: Let’s play the games.
IX. Closure: Go over what was learned in the class with the students by asking