-on every indicator of Adaptive mathematical reasoning, PAPLT better than the PAPLS and PAPLS better than the PAPLR.
-on the category a high Adaptive reasoning ability PAM mathematically students acquire learning directly from the lowest to the indicator is 1, 3, 2 and 4. On the category of Adaptive reasoning abilities are PAM mathematically students acquire learning directly from the lowest is an indicator to 2, 3, 4 and 1. On the category of low adaptive reasoning ability PAM mathematically students acquire learning directly from the lowest indicator was into 2, …show more content…
In this phase, students are given an authentic problems that can bridge the student to arrive at ideas or theories based on the results of its own investigation by using knowledge as the basis for student-owned in the investigation process. The teacher's role to provide question-pertannyaan which can facilitate students in investigative activities and provide scaffolding to help students in the activities of the investigation. The existence of the problem and an investigation undertaken to achieve an understanding of the new idea or concept, then students are said to have bernalar or logical thinking because students can transform information that has been obtained to be able to reach a conclusion or conclusions either way using consistent reasoning or thinking with because due to think according to the pattern of certain rules. This is apparent from the results of research that the first indicator of Adaptive reasoning abilities i.e. mathematically logical thinking, the ability to acquire learning PBL higher than students who obtain direct student learning either in its entirety or by category PAM. Research results in accordance with the study of the theory has been discussed before, because in the activity of PBL students are required to be able to think logically for learning activities while in direct learning it becomes inversely proportional because in the activity of PBL students are required to perform the process thinking whereas in a direct learning students only receive a transfer of knowledge from the teacher and have certain skills that have exemplified the