In the
illustration the immigrants are depicted collectively viewing the statue of liberty which is a symbol of the American promise. In the speech president Roosevelt stated that “..They come speaking many tongues.’’ He refers to the multiple languages of the new coming immigrants who are following the American promise. Roosevelt compares the promise of America to the efforts and choices of those who choose to live in america. He symbolises the promise with his description of the “...eager seeking millions…”.With the effort and devotion of those who live in america, they make the “New World’s freedom safer, richer, more far-reaching, and more capable of growth.” Those who came to America chose to give their customs and old ways of life in order to help better their children's futures in a world where all those things may be new and they may learn the ways of others and teach their ways to others. President Roosevelt expresses this in his speech: “..those who have left their native land to join us may still retain here their affection for some things left behind-old customs, old language, old friends...they wisely choose that their children shall live in the new language and in the new customs of this new people. Those who come to America choose to based on the promise hat was made by the people of America and their eagerness to see it brought to past.
In short, the promise of america,”a unity in language and in speech, in law and in economics, in education and in general purpose, which nowhere finds its match” is symbolised through the land itself the is strengthened through the actions of the people and their choices that they make based on the future. The diversity of the people, language, and other customs is what will allow America to better its new way of life. America is a way for people of other lands to find new customs and ways to live life of equal opportunity.`m