A Description of a Societal Problem that detracts from the Mental Health and Welfare of Society
A societal problem that detracts from the mental health and welfare of the members of society is the neglect of poverty and poor health. Poverty is a problem that people overlook, wants to disappear, and will show its face to someone we know and love at some point in our lives.
Recommendations made by Experts for Resolving this Societal Problem
According to CNN Health poverty and poor health are intertwined. Poverty in the United States increased 20 percent between 2000 and 2004. And although the trend stalled in 2005, researchers worry poverty will have profound effects on public health in this country. This is a chief issue for former President Bill Clinton’s Global Initiative. Clinton is bringing together a non-partisan group of world leaders to mach innovative problem solving with resources. According to a new report released the Health Promotion Clearinghouse, end poverty is not possible but necessary. Caroline Ploem Executive Director of the Health Promotion Clearinghouse says the first step is awareness regarding the total cost of poverty and the realization that we cannot afford to ignore poverty. To end poverty would mean improving our common fiscal situation says Senator Art Eggleton.
Ethical Challenges that Arise in Addressing the Problem and how they would be Addressed
The relations between poverty and ethics can be analyzed from many different perspectives (Asuncion, St.Clair (1999). Ethical challenges that people living in poverty face are the freedom to choose the type of lives they have reason to value, it is argued that a holistic view of poverty that encompasses non-economic factors as much as economic ones, I would address these challenges by simply giving people their rights earned long time ago and as far as holistically if you are spiritual in any kind of way you would not judge and put people in categories
References: Asuncion, St. Clair. (1999). Ethical Considerations Involved In Poverty Reducing Strategies. Ploem, Caroline. (March 08, 2011). Topics in Poverty Reduction and Social Determinants. Health Promotion Clearinghouse. Tabish, .A. Syed. (June 2004). Mental Health: Neglected For Far Too Long. Srinagar, India. Rice,. Sabriya. (August 29, 2006).Poverty and poor health are intertwined, experts say.CNN Health.