Competitive Analysis: * Eco Lab + JDH major competitors * have large financial backing * hygiene suppliers compete on product formulations, price and service * our four product lines are not stable and sustainable * our competitors have huge financial backing so they can invest in trying to make a better formula and be able to compete on a better level
Consumer Analysis: * competitors often offered price match in Adepts bid situations * Manufacturers rarely switched suppliers as it was often risky, time consuming and expensive * Consulting services are considered a bonus * Want things that make them more money so the more money the make the better it looks for their margins * Customer loyalty is huge in this business * Want a company that offers good service so our locations may a benefit for us
Implications: * Cannot use price as a competitive advantage because we have competitors with deeper pockets * Cargill bid could drastically increase Adepts size an aloe them to compete for large manufactures contract * Adept will need to focus on customer satisfaction with superior products and services
Corporate Capabilities * Decision making Mike Brock does not have majority, we are limited in our decision making abilities because we need to get Sodrox on board * Sodrox may not be willing to extend funds until equity has been paid in dividends
Human Resources: * Brock has significant experience, a strong reputation and lots of industry knowledge * We may not be able to expand because he is being overextended * We need to bring n another sales