Pre Project Teaching English involve the development of four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. The accomplishment of these skills will provide the learners with the tools to acquire a new language. But if one of them is not well develop, learners will face a difficulty on the understanding of the language. If we go back to the study of how we learn we are going to find the learning channels (Auditory, Tactile and Visual) which are the ways that learners receive and process information (Linse, 2005). Of course some learners focus on one style more than others but teachers should plan their class taking into account these three learning channels. However in practice there are some difficulties we need to cope and which are out of our hands like physical considerations such as the size and arrangement of the classroom, the number of students, the use of tape recorders, or other equipment ( Ur, 1997)
After being working for two years at the Escuela Secundaria Técnica No. 22 “Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz” I have noticed some of the classroom conditions are not suitable for an effective English class due to not all of the skills can be developed during the progress of it; I am talking particularly about the Listening skill, this is because the classrooms sockets did not work properly and audios cannot be played during a normal class, giving as a result only the exposure of the teacher’s voice.
For this reason, how will adequate conditions help to the development of the listening skill on first graders’ students at secundaria técnica No.22 “Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz” during the school year 2012-2013?
Then the following hypothesis is established:
“Adequate conditions to a better development of the listening skill in the classroom”