Regarding our patient who has been suffering from adhesive capsulitis for 10 weeks, falls into the chronic stage of the condition so when it comes to the treatment time (dosage) we would be aiming to apply the LLLT for anything between 35 and 45 seconds per treatment head. With adhesive capsulitis affecting the joint capsule I would not worry about using three sites of application, anterior, posterior and lateral side of the shoulder joint capsule for 30 seconds on each. This can be performed a couple times per week. However from Heung’s journal it says lower dosage seems to provide better results, so less sessions in a week for our patient would be more …show more content…
As clinicians, surgical intervention is out of our depths but this seems to be similar with amounts of information out there. Information regarding the very condition in articles etc. have no definite answer defining what actually causes it and why, as each study performed has been doubted by other researchers at some point down the line. Whilst selecting my personal treatments for our patient in question, I found it hard to actually pin point a treatment that stood out as the best. As a whole each book, journal and article all tended to be a bit vague in the certainty of their findings. For as many good points regarding each treatment, another article would be saying how they