You go to Derek to help with his ADL’s and he is pale, agitated diaphoretic and complaining of abdominal pain. Answer the following questions.
a) What assessments including observations and tests are you going to perform? (3 marks)
One of the assessments that can be performed is a physical examination of Derek. This can be done by assessing vital signs for hypothermia, tachypnoea, tachycardia, and hypertension. When assessing the head, ears, nose, eyes and throat there may be indication of blurred vision and it should be made sure that pupils are normal- fixed and dilated. Observing if the patient is experiencing confusion, fatigue, tremors, diplopia or loss of coordination are important in assessing neurologic conditions. The patient’s skin should be observed as it could be diaphoretic, dehydrated and having decreased turgor (Koutoukidis, Stainton & Hughson 2013, p. 448). …show more content…
If the patient has hypoglycaemia from too much insulin, the body will not produce ketones.
Other laboratory studies can include checking electrolyte levels including calcium and magnesium. A complete blood count as well as tests for blood cultures, cortisol levels, thyroid hormone levels and C-peptide levels.
b) What is happening to Derek? (1 mark)
Derek is hypoglycaemic, having blood glucose below the normal levels. This has resulted him in experiencing paleness, agitation, diaphoresis and abdominal pain. This may have been caused by overmedication with insulin or antidiabetic pills. Even possibly due to any missed meals, a severe infection, and use of alcohol, kidney failure or liver failure.
c) How are you going to manage this? (2 marks)
The aim of managing Derek is to bring his blood glucose levels rapidly back to normal before any neuroglycopenic effects result (Armstrong 2014). This can be done by:
- Ensuring the airway is clear
- Administering glucose containing