Student No. 12019445
Module: Play therapy skills
Word Count: 1648
“ Birds fly, fish swim, and children play”
Garry Landreth
Play has an important role in children’s lives they develop emotionally, cognitively, physically through play. Play therapy is an intervention for children with behavioral and emotional problems. It is not a cure for children but it is an emotional and behavioral development in which the child comes to self-actualization. The first documented use of therapeutic play was Sigmund’s Freud’s “Little Hans” report (Landreth, 2012). Since then different models of play therapies have been developed. The focus of this report will be on description of Adlerian therapy. It will investigate the client group of this model. Describes the critical evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of the model. In conclusion, even though this is a unique model because it has taken different approach there is lack of research and literature on the model.
Description of the model:
Adlerian psychology was introduced at Freudian school known as school of individual psychologist by a psychotherapist named Alfred Adler. The individual psychologist’s aim is to understand individual style of life as a part of whole (Adler, 1964). Adler believed the child’s play reflect his or her characteristic manner of behaving or style of life (Carmichael, 2006). Therefore, the basis of this therapy is play combined with individual psychology. The key therapist associated to the model of play therapy is Terry Kottman year 1993. (Carmichael, 2006). It is an active and directive approach working with children (Kottman, 2001). She has developed this approach into a unique play therapy model. It has four phases, phase one the egalitarian relationship; phase two investigating the child’s life; phase three helping the child gain insight into his or her lifestyle; phase four providing reorientation