Another role of the practitioner is to work professionally and responsibly such as to work as part of the team, work with parents and partners, participate in providing an environment that is welcoming and stimulating and to meet the learning needs of each individual child by providing a range of activities and experiences Tassoni, et .al, (2007). See appendix ?.
Another role of the practitioner is to ensure they comply with the codes of practice that protect the employee, these could relate to storage of information, smoking and consumption of alcohol, recruitment procedures, professional development , workplace conditions such as hazards and temperature, risk assessments and equality of opportunity Tassoni, et .al, (2007). See appendix 2.
Following policies and procedures is another role of the practitioner they help practitioners to carry out responsibilities and ensure that everyone in the setting including children, parents, staff and other professionals remain safe. Examples of policies are Health and Safety policy, Equal Opportunities policy, Behaviour Management policy and Child Protection policy Tassoni, et .al, (2007). See appendix ?.
Another role of the practitioner is to make sure children well-being is at the heart of everything they do and offer learning experiences appropriate to the development stage, interests and learning styles of each individual child