The responsibility needed by a practitioner need to be practiced with regards to certain responsibilities. One of the main responsibilities when working as an early years practitioner is to work as part of a team to provide good quality care and education for children in accordance to the agreement with the governments regulations. For example: ‘’The Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage’’ and in line with the setting's principles, policies and procedures. ‘’Policies in early years’’ settings are there to guide the actions which practitioners need to carry out to complete the aims of the setting and to act as a point of reference …show more content…
against which decisions can be made. Early Years Update To promote and encourage the children's safety and security it would be effective if a practitioner works in line and maintains high levels of safety by abiding with the settings policies and procedures and be aware of any emergency procedures and remain vigilant on the settings premises and to report any issues if necessary to the manager. When dealing with parents, professionals and children, practitioners need effective and positive communication. They need to be able to communicate and listen carefully to maintain partnerships with parents as this will encourage active involvement and respect the crucial part played by parents in the child's learning process. It will enable all parties to build on and share their knowledge and understanding of the child's learning. For example: a parent or professional may be critical of the environment or activities and by listening and acknowledging their view the issue can be easily resolved. They may also make positive suggestions about an issue. "If you value and respect yourself, you will do the same to others. Professional relationships focus on respecting and valuing the strengths, skills and knowledge of people you work with and recognizing the contribution made by everyone in your setting. There should be open communication to ensure everyone's views are listened to and considered fairly, always keeping the needs of the children firmly in mind"
Communication is an essential skill that people use in their everyday lives.
Without having good communication we wouldn’t be able to gain good information, form relationships, and even maintain friendships. Babies and children reply on adults to be good interpreters of their body language and first words. To be able to communicate effectively with professionals helps to work together in the interest of the children’s wellbeing. Children can easily pick up on poor relationships and negativity which could result in the child becoming unsettled and anxious if they do sense tension in the setting. Communication is also essential for all children’s learning and social development. As a practitioner in an early years setting they have a vital role in supporting communication development of all children especially those who tend to have speech problems or a communication disability. There are projects out there to help children such as the Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE) and Peers Early Education Partnership (PEEP). These projects highlight that long term impacts that high quality early years provisions can impact on young children. Communication in childcare is one of the best ways to provide the best care for the child on both ends - for parents and providers. Although this is a really good way to provide the best care for the child but it makes it easier to build a relationship between parents and other professionals. Using training and development helps to provide and develop new skills, attitudes and practices of a competent teacher. It will help them provide new ideas and thoughts about practive and also to be more confident in their areas of work and update their knowledge. During training sessions collegues can talk about ideas, show plans, and listen to eachothers expertise and this will help prevent their setting become iscolated. on the other hand it will sometimes helps to observe and reflect on the way other professional work and become
aware of their strenghts and weaknesses which can help make effective changes to their setting. This can also help practitioners relate to parents and most importantly work with the children. Observing other practitionersis known as shadowing which can help other collegues see from another perspective.
The needs of children must be paramount for all agencies working with children and adults. This will help the specialists and professionals working with children and families to develop a common approach to multi agency working. Shared responsibility for families helps to work in line within all frameworks which means that all agencies have a role to play in identifying, referring or supporting an issue. while early years practitioners aimt to meet the individual needs of children there may be times when they need support from other professionals with more expertise. In childcare settings there are a variety of professionals that are required to work together for a number of reasons. These professionals could include speech and language therapist, educational psychologist and social services as well as many more. All these professionals work together to care for and support children and their families, this is known as a multi professional approach. "The term 'multi agency approach' is increasingly used to describe the way that several professionals may be involved in supporting children and their families." (Tassoni, pg 11, 2007) It is essential that all professionals work as a team to meet the individual needs of the children. There is a system of identifying children's and their families' needs, called the Common Assessment Framework has been introduced. All services are meant to use this order to build up a holistic picture of what support would be needed.
Reflective practice allows you to look at what you do and make it better ! You have the chance to reflect on your teaching practice, skills and knowledge seeing what worked and what could be better. It also allows you to identify areas in which you need help - ie professional development such as behaviour management skills. It's a nice chance to stop and think if you have done well and what could I do differently the next time.There's always room for improvement !! It is also a good way to recieve constructive critisim, feedback from other professionals and consider what to do differently the next time. In 1998, Gibbs depicted releflective practice in a cycle.
(What happened?)
Action Plan Feelings
(If it arose again what (What were you would you do?) thinking & feeling?)
Conclusion Evaluation (What was good & bad about the experience?)
(What sense can you make of the situation?)
By relating this cycle to childcare the practitioner can review and improve their practice after thought and discussion and how it can trigger changes for the better.
It is important to be aware of the principles and values that underpin the early years and education sector. There are 10 principles that underpin most codes of practice.
1. The Welfare of the child
2. Keeping children safe and maintaining a healthy and safe enviroment.
3. Working in partnership with parents and families.
4. Children's learning and development
5. Valuing diversity
6. Equality of opportunity
7. Anti - discrimination
8. Confidentiality
9. Working with other professionals
10. The reflective practitioner
These are influcened by the united Nation's Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and are designed to ensure that every child recieves the right quality care and education.
It is important to meet the needs of the children socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually and also to provide age appropriate activities and a conducive environment for learning. It's also important to be able to access the children needs and a lesson plan that meets the children needs and individualization needs. Also to have patience understanding, and let the children have choices, and provide materials that enhance the environment. Also to accept differences and not having judgment, and wanting and looking at things according to what you believe and your beliefs in life but also respecting a child's rights and parent rights.
When working with children it's important to value their interests and experiences not only is this good practice, it's also a requirement of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. (EYFS) The main way to find out children's interests is through observations. By observing we can see what activities interest them. "By observing children you can see what they already enjoy doing and which activities help them to concentrate." (Tassoni, 2007, pg 235) We can also find out their interests by asking the children themselves asking their parents or carers and through home-visiting. From knowing children's interests it can help us to plan more effectively as we can plan activities that we know children will participate in and enjoy. Planning an activity which interests children means they are more likely to concentrate and there for learn more than if they didn't enjoy the activity. "Babies and children will always concentrate and therefore learn more easily if they are doing something they are interested in and enjoying." (Tassoni, 2007, pg 235). In the placement I am in there is a group of boys who practically like super-hero's so we use pictures of them and include them into the main topic and the boys stay interested for longer. Through listening and valuing children's experiences we can learn a lot about them such as their cultural backgrounds and how they do things at home appose to the way they do them in the nursery setting. As practitioners it's important to value children's interests and experiences as it show the children we are listening to them, it helps them to become their own individual person, to concentrate more, have higher self-esteem and it also helps to have a better understanding of the child in their personality and way of life. "You can value children by listening properly to them and acknowledging their efforts, ideas and interests." (Tassoni, 2007, pg 6)
Diversity and inclusive practice includes gender, race, age, disability, linguistic differences, socio-economic status and cultural background. Inclusive practice is known to be attitudes, approaches and strategies taken to make sure that students are not excluded from the learning environment because their differences. In a diversity and inclusive practice it makes sure that all students feel welcome, accepted, safe, listened to, valued and confident that they can participate in all activities.
Diversity is about understanding that children come from different backgrounds and family structures and that this is reflected in many ways including the language they speak, their culture, beliefs and even care needs. While the needs of every child is the same (love, affection,stimulation, and physical care) regconising diversity means responding positively to the differences and valuing all people, not just the children and families you feel closest to. The term inclusiveness is often used in relation to children with speacial needs or disablility, but the concept should be used in a wider context. Inclusiveness is dervied from the verb to 'include'. To include someone means making them feel apart of what is happening. Inclusiveness is therefore about the way you meet a child's or their families needs in such a way as to not make them feel excluded or a nuisance.
E9 www.education.gov.uk www.myparenthme.com www.plymouth.gov.uk Cache Level 3 Childcare and Education 4th edition tassoni, k.beith, k.bulman, h.eldridge
The importance of a reflective practice for improving my own performance as working in a reflective way allows you to take control of your learning and development as an assessor and also to help make changes in my own practice that will help develop my overall role. The ability to understand and change the sistuation and make quick decisions as and when required. So by being a relfective practitioner I could make time to carefully consider the situation and response after the event and question my own actions by asking myself questions. For example : what action did i take that worked, and why? What action did i take that did not work, and why? What could i have done differently and how will i ensure that I do this next time a similar situation arises? This will allow me to be prepared should the same event or even a similar one occur in the furture. So by evalutaing my initial actions and determining what action I can take the next time. The best person to help me to work effectively within my role is myself. By being a reflective practitioner means being aware of my limitations ans the gaps in my knowledge aswel as my strenghts and qualities.
Two strategies for improving my own performance would be constructive criticism and Smart Criteria.
Constructive criticism is criticism kindly meant that has a goal of improving some area of another’s person’s life or work. This can be taken from Peer Observation. Peer observation is a very effective way of developing practice skills with the children and idenetify training needs. It also enables a collegue to focus on what is happening when you work with children can then they can give you constructive criticism and feedback so it can help improve my learning and performance. Feedback can help me become aware of how I'm getting on wether it's the good and the bad and it's able to tell me what’s working and what isn’t. It can also give me some ideas to help me plan my own development in order to reach myself to my full potential. It will aslo give me a ‘reality check’ so that I can compare how I think I am, with what other people tell me.
Smart criteria
It is important to know what i want to achieve in my role as an early years practitioner. So by having a smart criteria i can set myself goals and targets to better myselfand by having a professional development plan using the format from SMART criteria.This can then help me to decide how i can move towards my goals and targets and what actions I can take. By identifying the people that can help me so that they can help monitor my overall progress.
So, the welfare of the child? That means that you have to put the needs of the child before your own needs, sometimes you might not agree with a practise but if it is best for the child that is what you do.
Working in partnership with parents and family is about keeping lines of communication open, exchanging information and discussing the child's needs.
Valuing diversity is about understanding that different cultures have different ways of raising children and accepting that without being afraid to raise issues about practises that are plain unacceptable.
Confidentiality is just what is says. You can't go gossipping about any case you are involved in to your own family however, if you see a problem with a child then you do need to inform the relevant authorities.Confidentiality can't be a way to keep secrets about things that need addressing.
Being a reflective practitioner? Just keep an open mind, don't be too quick to judge. Always bear in mind that if you see a real problem speak up about it. Most of the horrific cases that have happened recently with child abuse have happened because information wasn't passed between different authorities so it was hard to put together a big picture of what is really happening rather than lots of pockets of information not shared.
How do the principle and values support the practitioner? Unfortunately you will have to find a way to word this without coming across as too militant, it won't go down well on your homework. Supporting the practitioner means covering your own backside. It means making sure you have done everything right and the buck can't be passed to you. So, if for example a child that is in your care turns up with an injury you have to log it, you have to tell the parents that you have logged it and you have to ask them what happened, if you let this slip and don't note every injury then you become accountable. You could be accused. Like I have already said child protection involves sharing the information with every relevant authority.
It's no good if school have noted a child is dirty and hungry, if the police have been called and noticed a violent household and the social services have been called and seen an uncooperative mother and a bully of a dad. Unless these agencies get their heads together and build a case then the poor child is lost in the system due to a basic failure of communication.