In this assignment I am going to be looking at health and safety legislation and policies and procedures with in a health and social care setting Legislation is in place to protect individuals within health and safety employers have a duty to protect their staff and keep people informed about health and safety. Then if you working as a social care worker you have a responsibility to keep others safe therefore follow policies and procedures. Policies are written out from laws. Every company or organisation writes their own policies. …show more content…
This is a document explaining how things should be done within the health and social care setting. Procedures are the way things have to be done to keep others safe for example if there was a fire within a care home there are procedures to follow to get people out of the building safely . Hasaw stands for Health and safety at work act 1974.Health and safety law applies to employees the self-employed people on work experience apprentice’s volunteer’s mobile workers an home workers. The health and safety at work act is in the uk Scotland Wales and northern Ireland. HSE is the national independent regulator for health and safety in the workplace. This includes private or publicly owned health and social care settings in Great Britain. There work in partnership with our co-regulators in local authorities to inspect, investigate and where necessary take enforcement action. In England, the CQC is the independent regulator of health and social care. This includes the care provided by the NHS, local authorities and voluntary organisations in registered settings. Employers are responsible for the health and safety of all employees working for their organisation. There must do a risk assessment before opening up of their business and should be updated regular. Keep a record of accidents and incidents, provide health and safety equipment and ensure the workplace is fully insured by having liability insurance. Over the years since the health and safety at work act was brought in, additional regulations have been added to reflect changes in practice, technology and understanding.
The regulations include
Food safety act 1990.
Manual handling operations regulations 1992.
Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences. Regulations (riddor) 1995.
Control of substances hazardous to health regulations (coshh) 2002.
Food safety act 1990.
Food safety regulations 1995.
Management of health and safety at work regulations 1999.
Data protection act 1998.
Fire precautions (workplace) regulations1997.
M1.Describe how health and safety legislation, policies and procedures promote the safety of individuals in a health or safety.
In this part of the assignment I’m going to describe how these legislations, policies and procedures promote the safety of individuals.
Health safety and security are important to promote the safety of individuals in a health and social care setting because these laws are put into place to protect individuals from any harm that could arise.
There are lots of different legislations policies and procedures within the health and social care setting to protect individuals such as:
Manual handling operations regulations 1992 manual handling operations came into effect in 1992. The employer’s duty is to avoid manual handling as far as possible to protect from employees and service user from injury. If this isn’t possible then there must reduce the risk as far as possible by providing the basic manual handling equipment, In order to promote the safety of individuals.
In order to reduce the risk of injury with manual handling
Encourage people to move independently whenever possible,
Use lifting aids when needed and also when lifting heavy
Avoid twisting your body.
Avoid lifting from the floor.
Keep the load close to your body.
Avoid repeptive lifts.
Employees also have a duty to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and also service users. By employers and employees following the policies and procedures within the workplace this reduces any risk of harm caused
Make proper use of the equipment provided for their safety.
Inform the employer if they identify any hazardous situation for instance if a hoist sling is torn then this shouldn’t be used.
Everybody should be assessed as to what equipment is safe for them to use as an individual.
Reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrence regultions1995
Riddor came into effect in 1992 and is a law in place to ensure employers report workplace and occupational diseases and serious workplace accidents.
These regulations require employers to report to their local council or the health and safety executive.
Death or major injuries
An accident leading to someone being absent from their working duties for three days or more
Reportable diseases such as carpel tunnel,Tendonitis,Occupational dermatitis, occupational asthma any occupational cancer; any disease attributed to an occupational exposure to a biological agent.
Sharp injuries when an employee is injured by a sharp known to be contaminated with a blood-borne virus , eg hepatitis B or C or HIV. This is reportable as a dangerous occurrence.
Service user falls needs to be reported in connection to riddor if this happened within the workplace for instance If a service users falls out of a hoist sling due to it being the wrong size and there badly injured
Employers must keep a record of any reportable injury, disease or dangerous occurrence for three years. This must include:
The date and method of reporting.
The date, time and place of the event. personal details of those involved;
The injury.
A brief description of the nature of the event or disease.
By employers and employees following these policies and procedures this will reduce the risk of these injuries happening again and any safety measures put into place, and any diseases being spread to others.
Food safety regulations 1995
These regulation were introduced in 1995 the aim is to make sure that food hygiene is regulated within any businesses serving food for the prevention of any food poisoning and to promote the safety of individuals so there are policies and procedures to follow and these are:
Food areas to be kept clean and good standards of personal hygiene are maintained
Foods are cooked thoroughly
Foods are cooked and kept at the correct temperatures
Food is kept on the correct shelf’s in the refrigerator for example raw meat should be kept at the bottom to prevent cross contamination.
Provide adequate hand washing facilities
Employees who handle food should be trained to an appropriate level of food hygiene awareness so that they understand the principals of food safety, sanitation and the importance of personal hygiene.
All health and social care settings need to ensure that their kitchens meet the requirements of the regulations. For example, in a care home the staff and using the kitchen need to make sure at all times to ensure that cross-contamination is prevented and hygiene is promoted that there were suitable ppe for example blue aprons and gloves.
If these policies and procedures are followed there ensure the maximum safety of all individuals so there is less chance of causes harm to any foods and any service users eating the foods.
Stretch,whitehouse,health and social care level 3 book 1,pearson education limited,published 2010.