It is also the EYP’s job to promote a child’s heath and self-care. According to Meggit. C and Bruce. T (pg 79) ‘Practitioners can help promote health awareness by talking to the children about physical exercise its effect on their body’s and the positive contribution it can make to their health’ The importance of this is to help encourage children to learn new important skills such as hand washing, toileting and healthy foods. To help promote and support a child health and also their own self-care the EYP can give them different opportunity’s such as whether they want to go on the potty or toilet when potty training, another way the can give opportunity is if the children have fruit for a snack, the EYP’s can give them a choice between orange, apple or melon. All of the opportunities the children have to make decisions allows them to feel independent even if they need slight encouragement from a member of …show more content…
This policy is supported by the following legislations Food Hygiene Regulations 2006 and the Food Safety Act 1990. This policy focuses on the preparation of food, hygiene, cleaning and temperature control. Truly Scrumptious Early years nursery states that staff and children will always wash their hands with anti-bacterial soap and hot water after handling food, changing nappies. It also states that when preparing foods that the surfaces are wiped clean before and after use, the correct chopping board is used, for example, Brown for vegetables, red for raw meat or green for salad and fruits. After using all are washed with warm soapy water. It also states that all food will be stored at the correct temperature in order to prevent the growth and multiplication of food poisoning organisms, storing at the correct temperature also reduces the rate of food spoilage and to ensure food quality is maintained. A policy and procedure which supports physical development is the Ashgate Nursery School’s Physical Development Policy. This policy includes planning and assessments, health promotion and providing enabling environments indoor and outdoor. According to the policy Ashgate Nursery School they plan opportunities for physical development are planned weekly, it also mentions that opportunities to support gross motor skills are offered on a weekly basis whilst indoors and outdoors,