Step 1: Create A New Blank Photoshop Document
Let's begin by creating a new blank Photoshop document. Go up to the File menu at the top of the screen and choose New. Or, for a faster way to create a new document, use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+N (Win) / Command+N (Mac). Either way brings up Photoshop's New Document dialog box. Enter in the dimensions you need for your effect. For this tutorial, I'm going to enter 3 inches for my Width, 3 inches again for my Height, and for the Resolution value, I'll enter 300 pixels/inch. When you're done, click OK to exit out of the dialog box. Your new document will appear on your screen:
Step 2: Fill The New Document With Black
Since our flaming text probably won't look very impressive against a white background, let's fill our new document with black. For that, we'll use Photoshop's Fill command. Go up to the Edit menu at the top of the screen and choose Fill, or press Shift+F5 to select the Fill command with the keyboard shortcut:
Photoshop Fire Text: Go to Edit > Fill.
When the Fill dialog box appears, choose Black for the Contents at the top of the dialog box, which tells Photoshop that we want to use black as our fill color:
Photoshop Fire Text: Choose Black at the top of the Fill dialog box.
When you're done, click OK in the top right corner of the dialog box to exit out of it. Your document will now be filled with solid black:
Photoshop Fire Text: The background of the document is now filled with black.
Step 3: Select The Type Tool
We'll need some text to