The Jewish population can be seen to be significantly reduced, some of this can be put on Hitler for killing many of them, and now majority of the Jews are found in Israel. It is less likely to find a Jewish person than an Atheist or Buddhist on the streets of America today. Even at the last moments of his life, Hitler urged his men to continue fighting against the Jews. “Above all, I enjoin the government and the people to uphold the race laws to the limit and to resist mercilessly the poisoner of all nations, international Jewry." He said ("Adolf Hitler”.)
Another “legacy” of Hitler are his theological views and standpoints. They have become the basis of a political group known as The American Nazi Party. These members follow the ways of Hitler (Anti-Semitism,Master Race, etc.). They also believe in white supremacy and making the United States of America a white only nation. They believe in getting rid of all other skin tones and ethnicities. Today, they operate as " a legally based political-educational organization dedicated to the preservation of the White Race, the Aryan Republic, and our Western-European cultural heritage ("American Nazi