His life was filled with both modest and extreme dreams and aspirations. He had strong personal opinions which he developed in both of his personal and political careers. From a modest upbringing to an outrageously unimaginable tyrant, Adolf Hitler is a figure which most should know about and that all should fear.
According to the Wikipedia online encyclopedia, Adolf was born on April 20, 1889 in the Austrian town of Linz. His original name was Adolf Schicklgruber, but it was later changed to Hiedler, and furthermore …show more content…
He purportedly flunked out of school to rebel against his father's wishes for him to become a customs official. At the age of 21, Adolf became an active member in the anti-Semite Nazi party while working as a freelance painter in Vienna (Wikipedia, 2006, 02/01/2006).
Adolfs time in Vienna began his dislike towards the Jewish population as it was seemingly concentrated in the area. It was there that he learned of the "Aryan Race" and the discrimination from the Jewish community. He later began to blame Jewish people for the economic hardships in Germany at the time, which later led to his propaganda at the peak of his political career (Wikipedia, 2006, …show more content…
There were two major factors for the turn around in World War two though, the English resistance lead by Winston Churchill, and the Allied alliance with Russia. Hitler feared the Russians, as the east was occupied up to the U.S.S.R. boarder, and their army was great in numbers and power. Alan Bullock describes the reasoning for Adolf to attack Russia, "At the time Hitler gave two reasons for his decision to attack Russia: the first, that Russia was preparing to attack Germany in the summer of 1941; the second, that Britain's refusal to a acknowledge defeat was due to her hopes of Russian and American intervention, and that Britain had actually entered into an alliance with Russia against Germany. The way to strike at Britain was thus to destroy her hopes of Russian aid" (Tyranny, 1962, p. 651). This thought proved to be the turning point in the war, as the German troops failed to occupy Russia before the harsh winter hit and lost many resources due to that