
Adolf Hitler's Struggle During The Holocaust

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Adolf Hitler's Struggle During The Holocaust
All throughout history there has been various mass murders and efforts to exterminate a certain culture, race, religion etc. To start of these mass murders, a leader with a passionate feeling towards a group of people expresses their feelings and gets other to join them in the annihilation of that particular group. One well known example, of this type of leader was Adolf Hitler, he was head of a group that had a goal to end the religion of Jewish people. This group was called the Nazi’s and they used the Jews as scapegoats and said that Jews caused the economic struggles throughout the economy. This time period was called the Holocaust and through this period The Nazi’s enforced unfair laws upon the people dehumiaing the Jews and forced them …show more content…
Through the Holocaust Jews were crammed into concentration camps, while at these camps they experienced “ violence humiliation dispersion and kidnappings” and were forced into doing physical labor for the Nazi’s. In these camps, Jews were either killed because they were too weak to continue doing work for the Nazi’s or were forced to do labor even if they were in critical conditions. While being forced to do physical jobs for the Nazi’s, these Nazi’s would laugh and treat them as if they were not human, they did this by calling out commands as if they were animals and forcing them to do work with little food, rest, and water. They also forced Jews to “ Live behind behind walls, fences, [and/or] barbed wire” this was called a ghetto which isolated Jews from the rest of the population with only bread and soup as a source of food. These despicable acts of making Jews leave all the loved ones and belongings behind and forcing them to live in cramped spaces with only a few nations of food, which humiliate the Jews because they were treated as if they were objects not human beings. Any Jew that attempted to resist this awful treatment and aggression would be beaten and maybe even killed, so many of them were killed and the Nazi’s would kill each one …show more content…
One type of non-jewish person who witnessed the Holocaust and mistreatment of the Jews were considered the people who “put both the [...] family and [...] even the community” at risk in order to help the suffering Jews and avoid the cruel of the Nazis. These people would risk their and their families lives in order to assist Jews in escaping the Nazis control and unjustified and dehumanizing laws that cost used to become scrawny and weak because of lack of food water and other life essentials. Jews would see these people as the brave ones and greatly appreciate the sacrifices to help protect the Jewish people even at the risk of being beaten or killed. The other type of non Jewish people were the ones who did nothing to help and “most people never considered helping Jews” because they didn't want to risk any of their loved ones and themselves to help people they didn't even know. People who had too much to lose we're not just sitting back and watching the Jewish people slowly die because they enjoyed it, but because they were too afraid to step in and risk their families and friends being killed. Along with those who did not help because they had too much to risk there were some

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