
Why The Jewish People Gained During The Holocaust?

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Why The Jewish People Gained During The Holocaust?
Before WWII people of the Jewish culture in Germany were considered equal. They held places of power and high social status. Many owned family businesses and other occupations like authors. Then everything changed, jewish authors works were being burned and others were put out of business. Many jewish families homes were raided and plundered and the families were captured. Leading to how they were mistreated and deprived of their previously owned rights.

One of the many ways that the Nazi’s deprived the Jews of their rights during the Holocaust was the mental and physical torture the Nazi placed upon the jewish people. As most of the people were rounded up to be taken to labor camps, many were shot and killed on sight. For those who survived
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Dr. Mengele violated the Jews rights at almost every turn. For example he experimented on the jews without their permission. Dr. Mengele was in charge of deciding who would be sent to the gas chambers upon arrival and who would work in each position. Mengele also wanted to figure out a way to breed the perfect person (Hitler youth, blond hair blue eyes). He would do various experiments trying to find the answer and did several experiments to see how much one could tolerate. In the passage Josef Mengele by UXL biographies it states, “To Mengele, twins were priceless things, and he rescued them from the gas chambers. They were fed good food and provided with clean clothes and comfortable living conditions. After they were strengthened, all parts of their bodies were measured and described minutely. He and his assistant then performed crude surgery on them, including amputations. They deliberately infected the twins with diseases so that the doctors could observe their reactions. On one night alone, Mengele himself used injections to kill 14 children for these bizarre purposes. After their deaths, Mengele autopsied their bodies (he examined and compared their internal organs).” It was also found that in an attempt to find out if he could change people's eye color he put dye in their eyes. In Josef Mengele by UXL biographies it also states “Mengele also performed experiments on prisoners using electricity, radiation, and other methods. He did not show any remorse at performing these ghastly and inhuman actions. According to Mengele's son, Rolf, even years later, Mengele never expressed any feelings of shame or regret. Witnesses tell of watching him shoot prisoners, strike them with an iron bar, and even burn children alive. He was said to have an explosive temper. Several observers describe him performing acts of savage violence and returning to his scientific

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