
Who Is The Angel Of Death By Joseph Mengele

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Who Is The Angel Of Death By Joseph Mengele
“The more we do to do, the less you seem to believe we are doing it,” is a quote from Joseph Mengele, a doctor in the Auschwitz concentration camp (Joseph Mengele Quotes). Mengele was known as the “Angel of Death” because he would smile when people died ( Joseph Mengele). When other officers couldn’t kill someone, Mengele would be the one to kill them. Josef Mengele performed horrific experiments on a variety of inmates in Auschwitz, but the twins got the worst of his experiments because Mengele was fascinated with identical twins and he wanted to see if there were any differences in how identical twins reacted to treatments. Mengele’s experiments on twins were so terrible and cruel that almost all of the twins he experimented on died.
Mengele began working in the concentration camps after he got injured in war. Mengele then thought about being a doctor at the concentration camp and realized he could do genetic research, which he loved. This genetic research allowed him to experiment on twins. Mengele really loved the study of twins because he was fascinated by the identical twins. Mengele was not the head doctor when he arrived at Auschwitz, but as time went on he had more authority about the fate of the prisoners.
When the prisoners got to the concentration camps Mengele had the choice to let you live or die. If he pointed to the left you
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Over 7,000 prisoners were saved from the Soviet Union. Mengele destroyed all of his work before any scientist could figure out what he was trying to accomplish. Mengele spent the next few weeks at the Gross-Rosen concentration camp until it was evacuated and he ran to evade capture (Josef Mengele). Mengele was in U.S. custody, but they let him go because they didn’t have the list of war criminals distributed well. He ended up leaving the country in 1949 and settling in Argentina (Josef

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