
How Did Hitler Use Inhumane Medical Experiments

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How Did Hitler Use Inhumane Medical Experiments
During the Holocaust, in 1942 and 1943, Nazi doctors and scientists conducted gruesome experiments on the prisoners at various concentration camps including Dachau and Ravensbrook. In addition to attempting to wipe out the Jewish population, the Nazis brutally mutilated many prisoners at the concentration camps without their consent in the name of science and medical advancement. During World War Two, the Nazis performed inhumane medical experiments on prisoners at these camps such as freezing them to death, genetic testing, experiments on intentionally inflicted battlefield injuries, and fatal high altitude experiments to benefit their military and advance the Nazi cause.
Between August 1942 and May 1943 doctors at Dachau, one of the most
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They considered this to be the best race, and all other races worthy of elimination. The Nazis wished to discover a way to efficiently breed their ideal perfect human. The Germans wanted to create an elite group of blond haired blue eyed people called the Aryan race. In order to create the Aryan race the Nazis wanted to figure out a way to ensure multiple births to create this race as rapidly as possible, outpacing the growth of the rest of the population of the world. Dr. Mengele, a German Nazi doctor, completed a series of experiments to discover the secret to multiple births. To do so Mengele took sets of twins and their mothers and put them each through a series of gruesome tests. The twins were closely examined during and after the test. If one of the twins should die the other would have been killed immediately. One of the methods was to inject a shot of chloroform to the heart. Autopsies were performed on the dead twins, who were subsequently dissected. These cruel acts were all done in the name of finding the secret to twins to increase the Aryan population and advance the Nazi

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