According to the Cambridge dictionary, adoption is “the act of taking another person's child legally into your family to raise as your own child.” It quickly became a very popular thing to do in the mid-1900s. Since then, adoption has been a very common topic of conversation, more so of argument. Similar to a myriad of other controversial topics, people have their own opinions; many people are actually against adoption and could sit down and write a whole list of reasons why adopting a child is a terrible idea. However, many of those people never take into account all of the positives that come with adopting a child. Adoption is an amazing, indescribable act that I look forward to being a part of in the future. Just like almost everything in this imperfect world, adoption has its cons. As well, adoption has its pros; I believe that the more people partake in it, the better we can make the lives of children in need.…
When me and my partner Luther decided we wanted to adopt a baby girl, the first thing that we needed was to consider the many option, expectations, and obstacles that we might face. After setting up an appointment and meeting with a lawyer specializing in adoption, many thing became clear. We would need to give serious consideration to the health of the fetus prior and post birth. We would also need to have a thorough understanding of the babies maternal mothers care so that we can have an idea of what challenges if any that the baby may face.…
Many people look into adoption each year. Some of the people looking into it are looking to become parents, while the others are looking for parents to place their unborn child with. With adoption comes education. It is important for both parties to look into and understand different aspects of adoption. To educate oneself on all aspects of adoption may give each person involved the understanding of the emotions they may go through and the professional help they may want to seek. Psychologists are looking into the benefits and draw backs to open adoption as well as closed adoption, something everyone should be educated on if pursuing an adoption journey.…
There’s an abundance of people who would give anything in the world just to be able to have a family of their own, and to create offspring. Several people within society depend on adoption to make their dreams of being parents come true. Abortion cost a great sum of money while adoption does not cost you anything. When you compare adoption or abortion the pro’s for adoption are immensely clear. When you adopt, your pregnancy ends with life and you feel better about your decision versus abortion where your pregnancy will end with death and you will probably regret for a long span of time. Also, with adoption you remember giving birth, and get to see your child and hold it, while with abortion you will remember taking a life and never experiencing interaction with your child. Numerous people base their decisions for the future of their child off of first instincts and emotions instead of giving themselves time to consider what is best for the child and it’s future. Typically whenever people make decisions without thinking they will regret them for the rest of their life. No one wants to wake up every morning regretting their decision to abort every single day and their past actions to affect their everyday lifestyles. Abortion limits the child’s ability to succeed in…
People adopt a child or children for a number of reasons, some reasons may be because they want to have a family and they are not able to have biological children of their own or they feel that they are in a position to make a difference to a child’s life.…
Many teenagers are getting pregnant and not able to keep their children. There are many reasons why teenagers decide to give up their child, they are in school, they don’t have the money or they can’t support the baby or themselves. Adoption is the answer for many of these teenagers. There are two kinds of adoptions open and closed. An open adoption is when the original parents are allowed to visit and communicate with their child. A closed adoption is where there is no contact allowed. Today open adoptions are seen to be more beneficial than closed adoptions. I’m adopted and I have an open adoption and I feel that it is very beneficial to me. In order to understand an open adoption…
Imagine not understanding what you are doing, not even fully knowing who is coming to get you, and where you are going is a mystery in itself. These are all thoughts and questions that might run through a childs mind who is being adopted by a family that lives in a different country. This is an international adoption, and it can be controversial in the U.S along with other countries for different reasons. International adoption has gone throughout history adjusting as it has to, but it's not the only thing that has changed both what the parents go through and the children adapting have evolved as time goes on too. No matter how much is done to make this process easier there are always challenges that remain to face everyone affiliated with the process.…
Open adoption birth parents experience a sense of less guilt as a benefit (Gray 27) of the adoption but what benefit does the child rear? Adoption should be more for the child and less for the birth parents emotional ground. But closed adoption does give the birth parents privacy because “placing a child for adoption is an extremely sensitive and vulnerable choice. Having a closed adoption creates an opportunity for a stronger sense of privacy,” (“N. A. I. C. H.” 1) and it can also reduce fear because “some birth mothers are concerned about explaining their choice, and a closed adoption serves as a way to prevent them from a confrontation with a child placed for adoption” (“N. A. I. C. H.” 1). Closed adoption rids the birth parents of the responsibility they were not ready for in the first place and gives the child a chance at a better life with more responsible individuals. In some cases, closed adoption kills two birds with one stone by riding a birth parent of the embarrassment of not being prepared or financially stable for a child while giving the adoptive child a chance for a better life with an adoptive family that is looking for a child to give love and a good life…
Killing the life of an innocent child is not the only alternative. Adoption is a wonderful alternative. With adoption you are not only giving life to a child but you are also giving a family the opportunity to care for this child. Many couples have complications with conceiving a child and often turn to adoption as their alternative. With 1.5 million American families wanting to adopt a child, there is no such thing as an unwanted child. With choosing adoption this will give women the mindset of knowing they did the right thing. Leaving no room for regrets.…
Adoption has been practiced around the world since the beginning of civilization for orphaned or abandoned children. In the United States adoptions were arranged by individuals and families until the 20th century. Beginning in the mid 1900’s adoption agencies took over in helping place children in suitable homes. Adoption can be a fulfilling adventure for adopted people and their new families. The joys of having a new member or person in your life is an incredible feeling. Being an adopted person is not an identity or a disease. Adoption is the process by which one person joins a family unit that supports development of the whole person. Throughout the past years the amount of foster-care children waiting to be adopted fell from 62,759 in 2011 to 58,587 in 2012. You may hear many people arguing about if they favor or dislike adoption. What are the different mindsets of people on the subject of…
A negative feature of putting your child up for adoption could be guilt. There could be a feeling guilt because you could feel like you missed out on your child's life and never got to know your own child. There are many negative aspects of getting an abortion. First off, abortion could be considered murder because the fetus is a human being and aborting the unborn child is killing a human being. Also it is morally wrong, against many religious beliefs, and you may be looked down upon for going through with an abortion. "There is no baby to think of; no smile, no little fingers or toes to remember. You have only the memory that you ended your baby's life. Instead of feeling good about how your pregnancy ended, you may feel sad and empty. But you can never go back and give that child life" (Robinson). Keeping the baby could also have negative issues. You would have to worry about the burden of financially taking care of the child, and being able to pursue the goals you had before you became pregnant. You also would not have free time to spend with your friends and it could be frustrating trying to find a babysitter to look after your child if you need to be…
Learning about all of the different events that have happened in the past makes me wonder what happened to those children, and where they are today. Many organizations have come up with programs that will help children and the way they live. In today’s generation, social media has become a powerful tool for families and adoptions. With the help of social media, it allows people to stay connected. This is crucial for someone who does not get to see family, or people that they love. Being adopted, or in foster care this can help those in need of support. Another way social media has been a positive influence is raising the awareness of adoption and all of the opportunities that it has. Many organizations have turned to social media for this reason. My view on adoption is positive and I belief that there should be no discrimination towards it, and the proper coping strategies should be used to have the best experience. Adopting is something that is near to my heart, and it has led to positive experiences that I think everyone should experience.…
In an ideal society there would be no need for adoption, because all children would be born into situations where their parents could provide loving homes and keep them forever. There are a variety of reasons why people adopt. Their reason may be to help a child who is in the system and hopefully give them a better life. Many children are forced to live with grandparents or extended family because their parents are not able to care for them. The practice of adopting may not be for everyone. The process is long and other factors deter people from adopting. Adopting a child of a different race increases the deterrence of people wanting to adopt. Interracial adoption is becoming very prevalent. The practice has been controversial, with some groups arguing it’s culturally destructive for a child to grow up with parents of another ethnicity. The child’s well being should be the greatest priority. This practice has had a great effect on the United States. These actions date back to 1945. Since then, groups and organizations were formed to give their viewpoint on the subject. The government has even intervened multiple times. The” Loving v. Virginia Supreme Court case made laws prohibiting transracial adoption declaring it unconstitutional” (Herman) .The decision to adopt transracially has been campaigned and encouraged white families to adopt African American children in the 1950’s. This allowed the child to be influenced by factors that were not race related and also gave parents the opportunity to introduce the child’s culture to them. Adopting has the ability to give the foster child a better way of life, which will make them extremely appreciative. Ethnicity should not be a consideration when matching adoptive parents with children needing homes.…
When you adopt a child of another race or culture, it is not only the child who is different. Your family becomes a "different" family. Some adoption experts say that children available for adoption should always be placed with a family with at least one parent of the same race or culture as the child. This is so the child can develop a strong racial or cultural identity. Transracial adoption has generated major concern about potential negative effects on children, primarily those relating to identity confusion, prejudice, and the child feeling ostracized. Experts also claim that children raised with different race parents will not only be confused, but also would be ill-prepared to deal with racism that they are bound to deal with. It is considered easier to have a family that “matches” in the eyes of society.…
Imagine replacing all abortions with adoption. There would be thousands of children sitting in foster care waiting for a family to adopt them, while wondering why their biological family didn’t want them. Not to mention the foster care system would be more flooded than it already is. Studies find that one in five kids who were in foster care will become homeless after 18; at 24 only half will be employed; less than 3% would have earned a college degree; 71% of women will be pregnant by 21; and one in four will have experienced post-traumatic stress disorder at twice the rate of United States war veterans. And often many are at risk of moving back into government systems – from juvenile centers to prison. (Soronen, 2014) The foster care system in America isn’t the most appealing. Most stories you hear from children who have lived through it often are about abuse and neglect in their foster care homes. Not to forget how adoption can negatively affect the biological parents. Most go through an immense grieving process that may last for decades. In one study by the Child Welfare Information Gateway, three-quarters of birth mothers still experience feelings of loss 12 to 20 years after placing their newborns. With carrying the baby for nine months you grow an attachment and bond. Many women are put in a position where they can’t provide for their baby or give them a good life, so they selflessly give them up for adoption hoping for the baby to have a better life than what they could have given them. There is a big chance that their baby doesn’t get that better life, and they end up staying in the foster care system, getting all of the downfalls of it. The way the foster care system is today it would be more selfish to put your child through that than to abort…