Assignment A- Food safety management procedures (Compulsory)
I am currently working in a busy hotel at the heart of a busy up market area. As part of my role I am responsible for the management and auditing of the kitchen, we have 6 permanent staff and 4 temporary who are seasonal workers. It is as part of these responsibilities that i have to ensure that all food safety management procedures are followed and when needed, up dated.
This assignment is in three parts and is broken down to the following areas:
The first describes the how procedures ensure effective compliance with currant legislation and codes of practice within our business.
The second explains how these procedures have been established monitored and verified.
The third is a critical analysis of when a food safety management procedure failed how corrective action was taken and communicated to ensure food safety in the future.
The Food Hygiene (England) Regulations 2006 came into force in January 2006 and replace the 1995 regulations Food Safety and the Food safety temperature control regulations 1995. Due to the expansion of our hotel and the restaurant it became necessary to implement a full Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) procedure in line with the currant regulations, we also follow the (EU) No 852/2004 Regulations on hygiene of foodstuffs. [1]The main requirement of this states that you must be able to provide evidence of measures taken to ensure that the food you make and sell is safe to eat.
It is a legal requirement that a [2]food business operator must
implement a food safety management system based on the
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) principles. These
Principles are as follows:-
1. [3]Conduct a hazard analysis.
2. Determine the Critical Control Points (CCP.)
3. Establish critical limits.
4. Establish a monitoring system for each CCP.