In the essay “God and the Strongest Battalions,” Richard Current stated that the North won because they had so much more than the South. The North had an advantage over population; near five to two. They had more wealth, manpower, manufactured goods, agriculture, transportation, finances, and the economic stability to fight and win a war. Current stated that “If wars are won by riches, there can be no question why the North eventually prevailed” (Current 15). Current then talked about the Southern advantages. “If statistics were on the side of the North, history seemed to be on the side of the South” (Current 17). The South had the internal spirit because they were fighting for their freedom. The South had the advantage on the geographical side because of the rivers and swamps and because most of the fighting was done on their home front. The last and most important reason that Current wrote about was cotton. He talked about how the South could have used the cotton as a major advantage, but because of bad management and human errors, the South lost all of their hope of winning. Instead of making the best use of the cotton, the South stopped their planting, burned some of the bales and discouraged the foreign trade associated with it. Current then brought up the point that a new light was thrown on the question of whether the Confederacy was more handicapped by human or by material shortcomings. That question was brought up again when Current wrote more about the Confederate leader’s failures when it came to the transportation, manufacturing, and finances of the South. The North had a better economy to start with, and the South would have had to do an immense amount of work to even come close to the North’s resources. Another point that Current brought up next was that the Confederacy faced problems of politics and government along with military and naval problems. Overall, the South could not compete with the amount…
They had a greater population which allowed them to outnumber the Confederates and have more support. They also had access to many more outside rescues that would be helpful. Having all of these external sources added a larger production of weapons and ammo, and other supplies needed. The Confederate warriors were fighting for white’s to stay free and black slavery. Robert E. Lee was the general leading the Confederates into war.…
The advantages of the north and south during the civil war. The north’s advantages compared to the south. The union had the population advantage, the union had 21 million people, but the confederacy only had 9 million people but there were 3.5 million slaves to. Wile the civil war was going on the north was out numbering the south by 2 to 1 for the people who fought in the war.…
The South would also have a moral advantage in the eyes of diplomats all over the globe. They would be included in one of the greatest alliances of all time, the three European superpowers. The Confederate’s diplomacy would be off the charts. After the war the benefits would not stop.…
The North had advantages during the civil war because they had more railroad tracks to transport things. They used railroad tracks a lot because they need to get food and uniforms to the soldiers. Also so they could get places faster and try to beat the south there and scope out the area. They also have a population of 22 million people that either help someway…
3. The Confederacy had other advantages, such as their cotton sale which provided profits in the world market, also soldiers were more motivated…
The South began the civil war with a bleak outset, their only hope being their skilled generals and the stance of a defensive war, but despite what historians may say it was the North that underestimated the South. Prior to the start of the war the obvious winner would be the North for they held the most ascendancy in the splitting nation. The North contained seventy percent of the country’s railroads which gave them the lead in the swiftness to travel. Troops, supplies, and weapons could be sent within days instead of weeks, but more importantly information could be received faster and acted upon quickly. Factories were also a benefactor that the North had; factories produced the guns and ships that were a priority to the war efforts.…
Their strategy was to survive, own nation, provide Europe with cotton, and get United Kingdom to side. They followed the three ruled which were to wear them down, keep moral high and keep their army together as one. Their advantages were that they knew the land, had better generals, and they were more enthusiastic about the fight. But the disadvantage was that they lacked industrial goods and products, but most importantly they lacked people. The north had about 620,924 people while the south had 154,910 people.…
The only thing that the South had more of was farmland and tobacco. In both armies there were pros and cons and many differences. In the end it was just one country. About 2.75 million soldiers fought in the civil war. 2 million soldiers fought for the Union and 750,000 men for the Confederacy.…
The South did have at least two important advantages in their favor that made a Union victory . Most important was the fact that they had better military leaders. The South also had something of a "home field" advantage. Since the North was invading the South, the Southerners had to fight close to home. However, the strengths of both sides largely canceled out each other and resulted in a draw. The North had more resources that allowed them to continue the war longer than the South could. But only after a long, bloody fight.…
The Union had certain advantages over the Confederacy that were a greater help than the South such as banking, factories and ships. They had more railroads to move supplies, men and equipment. This was a big advantage because…
The south did not present much in its fight to succeed other than the need for greed and power but it came a decision to reconcile it even proposed two options to the slaves living in the south, be a slave or join the…
Battle wise, it allowed them to produce enough food supply to sustain the soldiers’ needs on the battle fields. Unluckily for the South, their agricultural based economy did not favor the production of the goods/food they needed. Therefore, they were very often in poor conditions while the northern soldiers had more than sufficient food supply, so much that it was sometimes wasted. It gave them a huge advantage on the starving southern…
Both Sides Battle (The Advantages of the North/South) The Advantages of The Union (North) and the Confederacy (South) in the Civil War include Advancements in Politics,Economics,Demographics and Social Stature. Before the Civil War, The Whig Party after Van Buren,William Harrison,Zachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore had Crumpled and in the Ashes Had Spawned More Parties to oppose US Governmental Ideas Like The Unionist Party,Free Soil Party and The Copperheads. The North had Mostly controlled the government (The South had a few presidents,but were Futile in the run up to the Civil War)The Northerners Advantages in the Government were that they had a Increasing amount of Industrialization and a great Capitalist Ideal, Which lead to more northern…
Upon the start of the Civil War, there were several difficulties to overcome for both sides. For the South there was the obvious difficulty of separating from the Union. In separating, the South opened itself up to the difficulties of starting war with a new president, building national unity on the basis that states’ rights were superior, a lack of soldiers compared to the Union, preventing slaves from escaping, and overconfidence in cotton. The North faced its own difficulties upon the South’s secession such as starting war with a new president, maintaining national unity, preventing more southern states from joining the Confederate States of America, a lack of soldier experience in comparison to the South, and preventing Britain and France from siding with the Confederates. While the North had a higher population and therefore more soldiers, the South had more incentive. This fact became a very important factor in who would win the Civil War. Neither side could predict that the Civil War would become the bloodiest and deadliest war in the history of America with an average of 504 deaths per day.…