Travelling by car has many advantages. First of all, we can go anywhere we want using car. We don't have to waste our time and wait for a bus. If we compare using bus, bus only bring us to station bus not to the right location that we want. Also, using car, we get some privacy where we can do what we want. Moreover, we can also have touring holiday when and where we want. If we want to go for a trip, we don't have to book bus tickets which is too complicated. If we have a car, we need only a map or GPS system and we can simply get into a car and go! Some of the advantages are that you can plan your own route,it is quick. But traveling by car have many disadvantages too. Travelling by car is not very comfortable for a driver. He cannot relax, he has to be careful all the time. Passengers can sleep or doing what they want. When driver is very tired, he can be as dangerous on the road as drunk driver. Travelling by car is dangerous, too. There are many crashes on the roads and we should be very careful. Using a car is also very expensive. If you have a car you have to pay much money for petrol and services. Petrol prices are very high. In my opinion people should use gas more than petrol because gas is better for the environment. What is more, the gas is cheaper.
In my opinion if we are responsible drivers and we have patience there won’t be any problems while we are driving.We can enjoy driving for years.I can’t wait to become a driver.