Monarchs, by their very nature, are more patriotic than either Prime Ministers or Presidents. They hold great affection for their respective countries: a Prime Minister or President may be at the same post in other countries but Monarchs never have this conflict of interest. So, fundamentally, it is in the interest of any monarch to work towards greater patriotism. Every monarch makes a considerable contribution in the building of his or her nation. One who contributes or invests in anything has more affection for the result - and thus Monarchs love their countries. So Monarchy serves the interest of patriotism far better than a Republican system. Civilization :
World history proves that the civilization of any country is built by the monarchy; It is difficult to imagine civilization growing in India without the influence of Muhgal Emperors Ashok and Akbar. Whether the Great Wall of China or the Pyramids of Egypt, Monarchy builds great things. There is no civilization living today which did not originate in the work and effort of Monarchy. Thus, Monarchy is a force for civilisation.
Conversely, Republics are founded upon destruction. They are established following the deaths of thousands of people. The destruction of Monarchy in Cambodia resulted in the death of 1.7 million people. The existing unrest in Iran, Iraq, Serbia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, throughout the former Soviet Union and the African Continent is due to the destruction of monarchy.* Qualification :
Monarchs are generally born to be Monarchs. They are born in the palace, which becomes both a home and a school. They are trained for good governance, taught to be polite, calm, patient, obedient and helpful and hence a healthy lifestyle is established. Eventually a monarch becomes mature enough to rule the nation, even at a young age.
By contrast, Prime Ministers and Presidents start their political activities from a certain age, and end their careers while