2. It helps us to organize our daily activities.
3. Our job can be done faster.
4. Easier to communicate with other people.
5. Helps us to know and understand other culture and society better.
Less work for humans.
-Makes life more enjoyable.
-More effectiveness in doing some things.
-Ability to discover more new things.
-Medicines easier to synthesise.
-Faster to do some jobs.
* You get to know more about the world around you.
* More species would be discovered.
* More scientists on the planet Earth.
* More subjects for you to study in school.
* More technology for our convenience.
2. Modern age is the age of science. The world has become smaller. The railway engine has replaced the bullock cart. The aeroplane takes us to distant places in a few hours. Man can fly at a speed of more than 2000 kilometres per hour. Man has reached the moon the with the help of science.
Science has changed our domestic life. Electricity is I used in place of coal. We cook on gas stoves. Computers, I televisions and radios have made life more pleasant Heaters, irons, washing machines, freezers, and room- coolers are in common use.
We can talk on the mobile phone at a distance of thousands of kilometres. Everything is made with the help of machines. The cost of production has gone down. Farmers use many machines in agriculture. Chemicals are used in the fields. In the field of medicine and surgery, science has made wonderful progress.
But science has also produced many destructive weapons. It has given atom bombs, hydrogen bombs, tanks, missiles etc. in the hands of man. It has raised the threat of a nuclear war. Science can be man's friend as well as